Chapter Nine

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I had left Mia in charge of my house and wandered into the reserve, passing a rather annoyed looking Josh in the process. Now, Josh can get annoyed same as everyone else, but he rarely gets so annoyed he actually looks it. The thought caused me to pause long enough for Josh to grab me by the arm and drag me towards his office with another look of extreme agitation. "Josh?"

"I want it out of my office, out of the reserve, and away from my employees and I want it gone NOW, Charlie Weasley." Josh snarled at me causing me to raise my eyebrows at the man.

"And just what the bloody hell would 'it' be?" I asked as he continued to drag me towards our destination. When we entered the office, a loud obnoxious sound filled the air. It sounded like a mix between a dragon snoring and Percy sniveling. I had half a mind to walk right back out of the office door before Josh turned me to look at the source of the noise. A man laying in a heap on the ground, empty bottles spread across the ground. His blonde hair disheveled and his clothes fully saturated in sweat, tears, blood and alcohol. His left arm was severely mangled and his body was malnourished and sickly looking. "Draco Malfoy?"

"Weasley!" The blonde cried as he tried to stand up. He fell a good seven times before my shock wore off enough for me to help him to his feet. He staggered and sagged against me. "Weasley, I- I am so bloody s-sorry. I- I didn't want it. I didn't want- want to hurt anyone. Lord Moldy Butt had- He had my family. I should- should have done something. I- I was a- a- a coward!"

As the kid sobbed and slurred, his breath was so strong with alcohol I swore I could feel the effects of the firewhiskey myself. If he didn't die from lack of food or the blood loss, the alcohol was sure to give him a bad case of alcohol poisoning. I looked back at Josh who only glared and shook his head. I would receive no help from him on this one. "Josh, Mia got stuck with two children, three dragons and her cat in the last fifteen minutes and isn't able to take her shift. I came here to cover it, but this mess tells me I won't be working either."

"Get him off the reserve and both of you stay home today. I can't have a hoard of outsiders playing in my space. Keep your 'guests' away from my kids." Josh growled before stomping off.

"I-I'm sorry." The blonde slumped against me sobbed. I sighed heavily and apparated on the spot, dragging the fallen Slytherin Prince with me. We landed hard on my kitchen floor and in seconds, had three wands pointed at our faces. George stood with a pissed gaze as he pointed his old wand at the blonde's face. Ron stood looking twice as red as he usually did when angered and had his wand pointed at my own face, and Lavender looked confused as she flicked her wand from Malfoy to me and back again. The blonde crumpled to the ground sobbing harder. His wand fell from his back pocket with a soft clatter and rolled across the floor to rest against the cabinets behind us. His blood dripped steadily onto the floor as his sobs grew more and more out of control. I ignored the wands pointed at me and summoned a towel to wrap around the carved up limb so he wasn't staining my house red. Once I had it wrapped he tried once more to speak. "I- I um s-so s-s-s-sowwy!"

The alcohol was hitting him harder. He couldn't stand on his own, he couldn't speak, he seemed to have forgotten he was pouring blood, and his sobs were inconsolable. I rubbed the sides of my head as I waved my wand, casting a spell I had learned to help treat injured dragons. It was a medical spell that allowed me to see any and all of his health conditions. His blood alcohol content was way too high and steadily rising, he had fourteen lacerations to the left wrist, a sprained ankle, and a couple of broken ribs. He weighed less than a hundred pounds which, being six foot one, was not good. He was also showing signs of high depression, anxiety, and exhaustion. I could feel the growing amount of danger his health seemed to be on. He was teetering on the edge. One more tiny push and the broken kid before me would be done for. Dismissing the spell, I moved the towel from his arm only to find that he had tried to literally carve the dark mark off himself and when he couldn't manage that, had tried to slice it into an unrecognizable mess. If I cast a healing spell, it would return to its previous state, leaving him with the reminder that broke him in the first place. I hated doing it, but I unfortunately needed to bring Mia in on the mess before me. Standing, I moved towards her door only to be stopped as she came racing out, wand in hand, baby cradled in her arm and Jason on her heels. One look at the boy on the ground and Mia had instantly taken over the situation. "Ron take your kid back to my room. Lavender take James and follow them. George put your wand down and get me more towels from the bathroom. And someone get Molly. Charlie help me get him to the couch."

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