Chapter Fifteen

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"Are you sure about this?" I asked for the seventh time in the last hour. Bill, Harry, and George had chosen to drag me out to the nearest Jeweler in search of a ring. I knew Mia was all I wanted, but wasn't this fast? We weren't even dating. We had only kissed once and it was only an hour and a half ago. Now I stood surrounded by some of my brothers looking at a simple gold ring with a small low set diamond in the middle and a matching plain band. The set was simple and perfect for the goddess waiting back at my house. 

"Charlie," Harry finally snapped. "Buy the bloody rings and let's go. I want to spend the night with my own family and you have kids to meet."

"How did this even happen?" I turned to look at the boy. He looked exhausted and irritated, but at the sight of what was most definitely fear in my eyes, Harry only smiled softly at me. 

"You fell in love with the most complicated woman on the planet. No one but Mione can tell you what's going on inside that head of hers, but there's one thing I can tell you. Only one other person ever had that girl smiling the way you do. Fred loved Mione with the same level of intensity as you do, but not even Fred had her so deep she proposed in advance. Mione enjoys your company, works well with you, and you understand her on a level no one else ever has. You don't just understand her the way Fred did, you understand what Fred meant to her. You aren't trying to make her move on or forget, you don't expect her to stop loving him just because he's not here anymore but you also don't allow her to dwell in her pain. You don't want to replace Fred, you just want Mione to be happy and loved the same way he would have." Harry shook his head slowly. "Mione loves you, but she's still struggling. She's scared of being left by another Weasley she loved. Fred left her alone in this life, Ron ditched her for Lavender, now you've stolen her heart and she's telling you she doesn't want to waste time and risk you leaving her. She's essentially trapping you."

"No." George cut in. "Mione isn't trapping him. She's waited patiently for Charlie to tell her he loved her since they found that damn dragon in a cup. She knew the whole time and she's let herself fall in love with him while waiting for him to come clean. She's not trapping him. Charlie was always Mione's and she's giving him what he wants while acting on her own selfish wants. She wants a family, a home, and a love no one else has. With Charlie she has that and he has what he's always wanted. Adventure in it's purest form. Life with Mione is never calm. Life with Charlie is chaos. They thrive best under pressure and together they're a scary powerful but warmly happy duo."

"Charlie," Bill moved to stand directly in front of me. "What did Mione say to you before disapparating?"

"That when I was ready she preferred a simple ring." I stated softly, a small smile tugging at my lips. 

"And what did she say when she told you she was adopting the kids?"

"She said I needed to build two rooms and say hello to our brats," my smile grew a bit bigger.

"Does that sound like a woman who is unsure of what she wants in life?"


"So, what are you going to do?"

"Buy my girl the rings she asked for and welcome my kids to their new home." And just like that, I placed the money for the rings on the counter and smiled brightly at the witch waiting patiently to complete the sale.

"You're fiancee is a lucky woman," She spoke gently. "And you're lucky to have so many great friends here to help you."

"These are my brothers, Ma'am, and you have no idea how truly lucky I am."

Mia was on the couch watching a Disney movie with the new brats as well as those that belonged to my brothers and sisters. Yes, I had come to see all those around us as family. Luna, Harry, the snakes, the tamers, they were all our family now. As I walked through the door, the kids all turned to look at me. "Um, hi."

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