In my arms...

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(What Annette looks like) ^
I stood there shivering from the realization of having the most dangerous and evil criminal in the world in front of me. He's never been caught, has beaten everyone in a fight, and taken down gang mafias and police forces because he was bored like you know for shits and giggles! or they decided to make him an enemy.
I was shell shocked at best and scared shitless. Why is he here.
And why does him looking at me with those melted forest green eyes make my spine crawl with the words he just spoke.
"Hello gorgeous"
I gulp and he steps forward know staring down the attacker with Malicious that could command army's if he wanted.
He then pulled out a sharpened dagger and smirked crazily. Making me squirm to get out of my attackers grasp afraid of what would happen next.
I need to get out of here!
But suddenly the dagger is thrown and hits the attacker's straight in the heart making him whimper, cough and fall the the floor in a pool of his own blood which goes all around him like wings on a bird when it's crippled and or even drowning.
I am frozen silent at the scene in front of me when I look to my side and see him walking forward towards me and I come to my senses and start to make a run for it when he grabs my arms and pulls me.
I hit his chest which feels like a freaking wall!
I gulp and I walk back from him further into the depths of the alleyway.
He has a void facial expression. But I couldn't stare for to long as I was quivering.
As I got further into the alley and I couldn't hardly see the attacker anymore, how far did I walk back...?
He then in one swoop held my arms in one of his hands and pushed me against a wall with my arms over my head.
I squirm not really making a sound when he traces my jaw with his gloved finger of his free hand and mutters the word.
I stop, frozen. He knows my name?
How does he know my name?
I widen my eyes as he pulls my face to face him and I can feel his hot breath on my lips. I don't attempt to run away feeling weirdly less panicked.
"What do you want with me." I mutter in a stutter.
He grins like a cat and moves his head to my ear.
"Please let me go" I stutter out again.
He lets go of my wrists but holds onto my waist.
"Is this how you thank people?" He asks curiously.
I raise an eyebrow sucked by his comment.
"Wha...t?" I say.
"You know Annette it is very dangerous walking by yourself at night. Your lucky I was here." He spoke softly like a melted butter.
He pulled my tighter to his chest making my cheeks heat up out of something I don't know.
He then whispered mischievously,
"I'm always here."
And I gulp. This is how things end Annette, I'm sorry Fallon I was the one who ate your Oreos last year not Colleen. I'm sorry Colleen for lying to you about not eating the Oreos they where just so delicious and I'm sorry to the stranger who I may or may not have slapped in the face to fake a break up in front of my friends...!?!
I snatch my eyes closed ready for my end. He gave a chilling chuckle.
"Your cute when your nervous love, go on your way home ok, and dont tell anyone about me and what happened today." He spoke as he kissed my forehead playing with my hair around his finger.
I felt weirdly comfortable but I couldn't let that distract me! I must be alert in front of this evil man!
And I'll tell Fallon's and Colleen about him so they can catch him!
"Oh and to make saw you don't tell anyone. If you do I'll let everyone know of your friends little identity's and finish them of and I'll have you know I don't Show anyone mercy, my love"
I nearly choke on his comment...
He knows about them how? When? HOW???
I stay calm not giving anything away but nod in response.
This man is devil. I then feel a sudden softness on my lips?
I then realize it's his lips. I choke at the shock and he doesn't move then but presses them then leans back but leaning his head on mine.
He then smirks and disappears as he walks back into the alley.
I touch my lips as my face is red. What is this feeling. He stole my first kiss!
I then breath out my first fear through my frustration and then after my in head rant I breath in and out.
I. Am. The. Grey. Pebble.
If that is what the school councilor said...?
I then nod my head back at the man that attacked me. I gulp and go to grab my phone and I call 911. As they are on call I think of a story I could use.
And when they came I settled with
"The guy attacked me and I managed to hit him of, I then sprinted into the alley further in as he was blocking the way I was waking before."
I breathed trying to get my lie together. This is wrong!
But I have to do this otherwise Fallon and Colleen will be affected, and I can't do that to them. I just have to have my own sin for know until they capture him.
"Then what happened." The lady cop who patted my arm to comfort me as I was attacked and I am definitely in need of therapy! But...
I don't feel all that scared weirdly even though I met the most dangerous criminal in the city, Basically got nearly raped, had a gun to my head! Still not over that Dammit!!!
And got my first kiss stolen by some delinquent and it's fucking freezing out! I shouldn't have worn shorts.
I smile at the cop then from the top building jumps down Fallon and Colleen but not as themselves as Fallon as fox and Colleen as Icy. They have tight body suits with a dark purple hood covering there hair and they have the colored masks. Fox is dark orange and Icy is light blue.
All the cops seem surprised and most at in awe of the them as they have never seen them up close before. Must be cool. But there attention is on me. Fox walks to me (Fallon) and checks me for injuries as Colleen stares at the body of my attacker and they both hold sympathy in there eyes for what happened. But again I feel weirdly fine. Like I honestly just want to eat some food and watch a movie and go to bed.
"We where in the area and saw the sirens what happened." Icy asks (Colleen)
The lady cop smiles and nods her head at them.
There Probably her idols...?
The lady cop explained what I just said to her and they look back at me several times. When she finished Icy walks up to me on the other side to Fox and touch's my shoulder.
"You ok?" She whispers with worry.
I smile and nod.
"Tell the nice vigilantes what else happened Annie." The cop lady smiles trying to get close to Icy. I raise my eye brow at her as well as Fox and Icy.
"It's Annette." I correct in a whisper feeling unimportant in this situation, she's talking to me as if I'm a child!
I then breath out and answer.
"I then stopped running and noticed no one was behind me and I after a while walked back out and looked down the alley seeing the attacker in the floor all hurt and bloody with a man over him, the guy noticed I was there and ran before I could see his face."
Serial silence POV
People piss me off. They think they are the shit...
I don't have an excuse for what I do though.
I am a reaaaaal asshole.
I'm the worst of the worse.
People should curse my name they should spit in my walk. I don't have a valid reason for robbing, stealing and killing. But what can I say it indulges me and it's fun. The killing isn't though. I don't hurt innocent people only corrupt assholes who hurt people and do it for power and money, but you know sometimes or when someone actually pisses me off then I might do the old, stabbddy, Stab, stab and then the old bury him in the garden routine of a house in god knows what state.
But people don't see it that way they see it as in the worst criminal in the city.
People can be so blind they judge by appearances.
But not all...
I learnt that last two years ago when I first moved to the city.
I met a girl who never judged me by my glare or appearance or the rumors but my personality. Which is really dry and in carried for when I first met her. But she still didn't  judge.
She defended me even though I didn't need defending. And after that I started carting more about my actions in front of her. I started talking to her and she was happy with that and she even called me a friend.
But for me...
It was obvious I wanted more then friendship.
I could feel my heart beat again every time she is in the room.
And her name even suited her
"Annette" I whispered it felt soft and calming coming from my lips.
So after school today I heard a rummaging as I was walking behind her making sure she was safe.
...I'm not a stalker ok? I just am a little worried. I can't help but worry about her it's all I ever think about...uhhhh.
But I noticed the near scream and rummaging and I rushed to the side and saw I the. Quickly then ran from the round alley so I wouldn't be noticed.
I as I was running smeared my black paint over my eyes and put my hood on.
Her face when she saw me made me sad as she had a single tear from her eye I wanted to kill that guy then and there so I did.
And further on I...
I kissed her. I was so nervous but I hid it well but even so I couldn't let her tell people I was here. They could figures or who I am.
So I had to threaten her.
I always knew who her friends where. It was obvious and I made my suspicions correct when I unmasked them as they laid unconscious when they tried to fight me last time.
I stare down at the cops and the two tweedles (Fallon and Colleen) and clench my fists at them.
Annette is obviously freezing to death as they cops play nice with the 'superhero's' and don't even acknowledge Annette's existence. And her friends are barley doing anything.
But on the other side I'm impressed by Annette as she played out a good lie even though she sucks at lying and is Fooling the cops and her friends.
I guess maybe she will be in my arms soon enough.

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