chapter 19

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"I'm your dick" I say. As stupid as it sounds, it's true she has me wrapped around her finger. The look she gives me makes me realise she doesn't fully understand the lengths I would go for her. 

"Have you read Lord of the Flies?" she asks, looking down in her lap and fiddling with her fingers. She's too cute.

"Of course I have" I say taking my hand and lightly hitting her on the head. She looks up at me shocked by my touch and then says "Well the society is loose adaption of it" 

"I figured" I say smiling down at her. She smiles back at me and then snatches the remote out of my hand and presses play.

We watch the show and I can't help but to steal glances at my Aubrey next to me. I can't believe we are sitting together. Fuck I sound like a dumb wanker. But just the fact she isn't scared of me or mad at me but we are just enjoying each other's company is filling my heart with this foreign warmth that intoxicates me. She is my addiction and I'm loving every moment of it.

Watching her get excited or scared by the show is so adorable. She scrunches her nose cutely when she doesn't like something and she sits up straighter when her interest gets peaked. God. I just love spending time with her. She doesn't seem to be getting my flirting, so innocent I chuckle to myself. I don't want to rush her but at the same time I can't wait feel her soft lips against mine.

The episode finishes and we both agree to watch another one. I can tell halfway through the second episode she is getting tired as she starts to nestle further into me and rest her head on my chest. Which means I have a permanent smile plastered on my face.

"Are you tired angel?" I whisper leaning down so my lips are inches away from the top of her head.

"Hmmm" she hums nestling further into me, but still focusing on the TV. I give her a squeeze with my arm that is draped over her waist just completely basking in her presence. 

I chuckle in response, and just continue to enjoy watching this show with her.

When the second episode ends she mumbles "Imma go to bed now"

She starts to sit up slowly and I can't help but to pout at the loss of contact. When she sits up fully she rubs her eyes and says "You can stay up if you want, but I'll show you where you'll sleep tonight"

She stands up and then turns to look at me expectantly. "Come on, I'm tired" she says whining.

I chuckle and then stand up and grab her hand, I get excited when she doesn't pull away and instead leads me out of her living room and upstairs. She then leads me down the hallway and opens the door for me.

"Here you go! I hope it's ok- wait I'll be right back" she says at the last part rushing downstairs.

Once she is downstairs I hear a bang and then Aubrey mutter "FUDGE NUGGETS" I can't help but laugh at her censoring, but then I grow concerned that she may have hurt herself. I run down the stairs and yell "ANGEL, you ok???"

"Oh yep fine...fine fine fine" she says.

As soon as I make it downstairs I see my angel sitting on the floor, a towel next to her and her cradling foot in the foetal position. 

"Oh no no no, angel what did you do?" I say worried and crouching down so I am closer to her.

She leans back so she lies on the floor and says "Ahhhh I stubbed my forking pinky toe"

I feel myself instantly relax and my shoulders un-tense, and then I laugh at how dramatic she is being. 

She stops briefly from lying in pain and wallowing in her own self pity to give me a 'death glare', or her cute version of one. "I'll have you know stubbing your toe is one of the most painful things-"

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