9- lovers

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Gons pov

I was surprised me and killua just kissed but more importantly i was incredibly happy that he felt the same, when he shed tears it made me tear up to "hey don't cry ur gonna make me cry" "sorry" he replies. "Ur not disgusted??" He says "HUH!?of course not because i feel the same" "oh....so does this uh mean were dating??" He questions and i start blushing "i- well yeah if it isn't a problem for u" "it isn't" he says. We both look at each other and start smiling i jump to hug him tightly and i kiss him in the cheek "h-hey baka what are u doing!?" "Showing u how much i love u" i giggle "geez i love u to" he says shyly in a low voice.

Timeskip to next day~

During class me and killua  were kinda awkward i mean we didn't know what to say after the day we kissed and confessed, everything was happening way to soon my heart couldn't take it.. I kept looking at killua during class and the teacher caught on to that. "Hey gon u should be paying attention instead of looking at killua all the time" he raises an eyebrow up that i feel myself turn red and the whole class starts laughing at me meanwhile killua just blushes. The teacher just rolls his eyes "gon can u stay after class" he asks me "uh yeah sure" i reply "alright now let's go on with the lesson.

After class ended i stayed in the classroom to see what the teacher wanted "gon are u and killua perhaps dating?" He questions. What was going throught my mind at that time was... How did he know we're dating!? We bearly even started and he already found out!!?the hell!! Ummm "what are u talking about" i say sarcastically "don't play dumb with me gon!" He gets close to my face which makes me sweat "uhhhhh mr hisoka i think ur a bit to close" i say trying to back away but there was a wall behind me so i was basically pinned to the wall. "Gon i try so hard to show u how much u mean to me and yet u don't even give me a chance" "pardon??" I was confused of what he was trying to say. Then hisoka puts his finger in gons chin "Don't act dumb can't u tell how much i like-" before he could say another word illumi and killua bust in the room. When killua sees gon pinned in the wall by hisoka he immediately goes into rage. "To hell what do u think ur doing-" "calm down killua" illumi stops killua from walking forward cuz he knows what he'll do, illumi takes a look at hisoka and sights "hisoka i hate to tell u this but we're teachers we can't do anything to our students" illumi looks straight into his eyes "oh my bad but gon here is about to turn 18-" "exactly he's still a minor so no" illumi drags hisoka out of the room "sorry about this little brother I'll try to prevent this from happening again" they both leave the room leaving killua and gon by themselves. Killua runs up to gon "are u okay!???" "Uhh yeah" "did he do anything to u!!?" "No" i reply "*sights* this goes to show I'll never leave u alone with him" "yeah... Umm do u know what's his problem with me?? He's always paying attention to me and he was telling me how much i mean to him..." Then killua realizes what he meant by that "that bastard how dare he put his filthy finger on u" "UR MINE!" Killua shouts and hugs me "geez". Seeing him all flustered makes me smile "are u jealous???" I tease him "pff why would i be jelous of an old man, know let's go leorio and kurapika are waiting" killua takes me by the hand and we leave.

[If u guys are confused yes we're still in gons pov]

"So is anything going on with u to?" Kurapika looks at both me and killua who are super close to each other. "What do u mean?" I ask "Well u guys seem to be awfully quiet and is strange to see u guys quiet cuz u guys are usually talkative" "well-". I explain the whole thing that happened with me and killua, i just don't include the kiss part.. "Wait u guys are dating!!?" Leorio shouts that almost everyone could hear him "shhhh, everyone is gonna hear "u guys are dating??" He says whispering -_- " i knew it u guys would date eventually so I'm happy for both of u" kurapika says smiling "u don't think it's weird!??" both me and killua say at the exact same time "what of course not!" "But we're both guy-" "so that doesn't matter anyone is allowed to love whoever they like, am i right leorio" kurapika winks at leorio and leorio just blushes "pff yeah whatever". "Thanks kurapika, but what do u think leorio?" I ask "fine by me, u kids could like whoever u want I'll gladly support u" he smiles "thanks leorio thanks for supporting us" "yeah thanks" both me and killua give our thanks to kurapika and leorio. Im glad there my friends there the best friends i could ever ask for...

Word count:902

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