Part III

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By the time the pain makes itself fully known to Win, another month and a half has passed. Bright's still been telling him who he's been sleeping with besides him, but that's become his biggest nightmare, hearing who gets his boyfriend when he's not around. In addition to that, though, if it could get any worse for him, Bright also started telling him what positions he does with those same people. All of them are things he could never picture himself doing even if it was with Bright, but he supposes that's exactly why Bright does them with other people and not him. And as much as he understands, it's still not enough to console the pain living in his heart.

Bright arrives at his house a few minutes behind schedule, but Win doesn't bother to ask him why. He already knows why.

"Hey, babe." Bright says as he walks into Win's bedroom, giving him a quick kiss on the lips before taking a seat on his bed. "You wanted to talk about something?"

"Yeah, I did." Win says as he swallows, looking down at the ground in fear.

"So, what's up?" Bright asks with a light sigh. "Something wrong?"

Win shuts his eyes and gulps again. This was going to be hard than he planned out in his head. "Yeah," he says, getting off the bed so he can think clearly. "something is wrong."

"What is it?" Bright sits up a little and looks from side to side in confusion.

"It's this," Win says, "this relationship is what's wrong."

Bright sighs and sits up even more. "Babe, I told you," he starts, "I don't date exclusively. I told you that from the beginning."

"I know you did," Win says, pacing the space in front of his bed a bit, "and back then, I understood why. I mean, we're young and just in our first year of College, a time for having fun and experiment. But that's not a good enough reason anymore for me. Y-you know, I sit around and wait for you like I'm your personal water boy, who you only come to when you need a quick drink before you go back out onto the court. And I don't know want to live like that anymore."

"But you don't have to," Bright says, moving closer to him but staying on the bed. "It's an open relationship for both of us, not just me. It isn't an excuse for me to fuck other people while I'm seeing you. You can sleep with whoever you want."

"I don't want to sleep with other people, Bright, that's the problem," Win says, his eyes going shut as the words come out. "I want to sleep with you and not some guy or girl I meet at a party. I want to do that with you. I want to go on dates with you and be able to let you leave knowing you won't go off and screw the next person that shoots you a text. I know you don't consider it cheating, but it sure feels like it."

Bright sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Look," he says as he climbs onto his knees, "I hear you, I do. But you knew about this, okay, you could have told me from the beginning it bugged you and not let it go on for this long. I mean, why do that if you're hurting, right?"

Win huffed out a little air and chuckled somberly. "Why did I do it?" Win says, shaking his head a little. He drops his head and blinks his eyes to try and get rid of the tears stinging them. "I did it because I love you and I wanted you to be happy," he says, his words taking Bright by surprise.

"I didn't want you to feel suffocated in our relationship, so I thought 'why not? It's just sex, right?' But it's not, Bright, not anymore. I hate knowing that whenever you're done with me, you're with someone else who can suck your dick better than I can or is willing to do things that I'm not yet."

"Babe, you know it's not like that." Bright says, shaking his head lightly.

"But that's what it feels like, Bright, I can't-" Win cuts himself, taking a deep breath, shutting his eyes, and calming himself down. "I won't live like this anymore. I love you and I don't want to come off as selfish, but I can't be with you unless you're ready to be with me exclusively. I'm sorry."

Bright sighs heavily and looks down, too hurt to admit that he's in pain. He exhales again before nodding and saying, "Okay. I get it."

A tear streams down Win's face as he watches Bright get up from his bed and walk toward the door.

"Wait," Win calls out, his voice pulling Bright back into his room. Win walks over to his dresser and sniffles as he pulls out the football jersey Bright gave him, folding and carrying it over to him. "You should keep this," he says as he hands the shirt to Bright, who takes it from him and stares down at it with furrowed eyebrows. "It'd be weird if I did."

Bright continues to gaze it for a few more seconds before meeting Win's eyes again and nodding. "Okay," he says lowly.

Win then watches as Bright walks out of his room and down the hall again, tears prickling his eyes even though he knows what he did was right.

Once Bright is back outside and headed to his car, he tosses the shirt in the backseat and slams the door shut before getting in the driver's seat. He sticks the key in the ignition and is just about to turn it when he stops himself and looks in his rearview mirror. The shirt is just lying there, now completely unfolded and wrinkled by the tight grip of his hands. He sits there for a moment before taking his hand off the key and reaching back to grab the shirt. As it lies in his lap, he rubs his fingers over it, picturing all the times he saw Win wearing it. This brings a smile to his face, but it's soon washed away when he's put back into reality and realizes that Win might never wear this again.

Finally, with a sniffle, Bright bunches the shirt up in his lap and then turns the car on, pulling it into drive before speeding off down the road.

(A/N: Sawadee krap! Did y'all enjoy reading Part III? Do you think Bright and Win should get back together? Let me know in the comment section. Also, don't forget to vote. 😘)

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