Truly Madly Deeply (Liam Payne)

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  • Dedicated to lirry for being adorable xx

Liam and I were sitting on his bed, going over his next world tour schedule when he suddenly threw himself of the bed and groaned.

“What’s wrong?”

“I really want a girlfriend.” He climbed back on, facing me with a crinkled up face.

“Then get one.” My heart beat increased, and I forced a blush back as he stared at me.

“It’s not that simple. I’ve got to make sure they’re trust worthy, nice to fans, fancy travel, and a whole load of other stuff I don’t even want to bring up.”

I wanted to slap him. Or scream at him. I was trustworthy, or had been the six years we’ve known each other. I get on with fans really well, and I even get Liam to follow some of them. I travel with them anyways, since I’m a back up vocalist and Liam’s best friend. Why couldn’t I be his girlfriend?

“You should look at the options you already have…” I trailed off, hoping he caught my drift. And I thought he did too, because he turned to me and then his eyes flickered to my lips. But he stopped himself, flinging his body off the bed once more.

“It’s late Laynee, you should probably get some sleep.”

“Liam, my bedroom is right down the hall. Next to Harry’s. You know that.”

“Well then hang out with Harry!” He snapped, immediately apologizing and blaming the stress of the tour. I just nodded, shuffling out of his room without a good night hug.

What was wrong with him?

“Delaynee, come cuddle with me.” Harry’s deep voice coaxed as I walked into his room.

“No thanks Styles, you’re too touchy-feely.” He pouted, seeming a bit more hurt than necessary.

“Alright, alright. I will. If you tell me why Liam’s got a stick up his arse.”

“What do you mean?” Harry mumbled, wrapping his arms around me while I slid into his bed.

“He said he wants a girlfriend. So I told him to get one. He said it wasn’t that simple. I said look at the options he already has. He freaks out, basically throwing me out of his room.”

Harry seemed to go rigid at this, but when he started speaking again he relaxed. “Liam’s probably got a crush on one of the dancers. He’s been eyeing that one out, Danielle or something.”

My heart sank noticeably. I wanted to cry. Why couldn’t he see that I was everything he wanted? I could be at least…

“You’re very fit, Laynee.” Harry said playing with my hair. I laughed. “You’re funny when you’re tired, Harbear.”

“No I mean it, you’ve got such pretty blonde hair. I fancy it a lot.”

“Just go to sleep weirdo.” I ordered, rolling my eyes.

Harry fancied a lot of girls. He dated a lot of girls, and he had used a lot of girls. That’s why I steered clear of him, and why I wasn’t the least bit attracted to him as I cuddled into his chest.


“Hey mate, have you seen-” Liam’s groggy voice startled me the following morning. I was slipping out of Harry’s bed, trying to make it to my own without him noticing.

I blushed at Liam’s topless figure and desperately tried to fix my bed head. “Morning Li.” I said sheepishly.

“Oh don’t let me interrupt. Sorry.” He said with an edge, rolling his eyes at me. I crossed my arms.

Truly Madly Deeply (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now