Chapter 13

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My fists banged against the door. I screamed, hoping that someone would hear me and come to my rescue, but that didn't happen. He caught up with me within seconds, a knife in his hands. "Don't you dare trying to escape." he yelled at me and I flinched as he came near.  He ripped my clothes down and I screamed again. "NOOOOOO; LEAVE ME ALONE; PLEASE!" I cried and screamed at the same time. "That's what you get for not obeying my rules." he said and ripped down the rest of my clothes and then undressed himself. He pushed me to the ground and the back of my head crashed to the floor hard. "NOOOOO!" I screamed once again, trying to get him to stop. "That's it." He said and stbbed me right in the heart with his knife.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh." I screamed, jumping up, to notice everything was just a nightmare.I was crying really hard and my heart pumped faster than ever. Louis was by my side within seconds, like Zayn and a few seconds later the door opened and my Dad stormed in. "Sh sh , Lia it was just a nightmare, you're safe." Louis assured me, reaching out his hand to comfort me but I slid away from it until my back touched the wall behind me. I turned so I lay on my stomach and stacked my face into the pillow. And I just continued crying. I cried and cried for hours. 

My dad and Zayn already  left after about 30 minutes, Louis stayed at my side. He looked really helpless. He didn't know what to do or to say to get me to stop crying. I felt so bad for him, but I couldn't help myself, I just let everything out that had been building up inside of my in the last weeks.

It was about 7am when  stopped crying and finally managed to calm myself down a bit. Louis slept on th efloor next to my bed. I had a really bad conscience. When I had the nightmare it was about 1am and he stayed up until he fell asleep about 20 minutes ago. 

Slowly I stood up and looked down at Louis. I grabbed my blanket and put it over him. I then grabbed his pillow, as mine was wet from the tears, and put it under his head. Then I dressed into something different and walked into the living room. I sat down on the couch and looked at the black tv screen for a few minutes. My mind wandered to the villa and I decided to go there, but I didn't want to go there alone. Grabbing my coat I walked to the office of my grandpa. 

"Good Morning  Lia. Slept well?" he asked me as I entered the room and I shook my head no. The smile on his face faded. "Did you at least eat something?" he asked me and I again shook my head no. He sighed and I continued to stare at him. "So why are you here?" he asked me and I walked over to his desk and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. I wrote down: Can you walk me to the villa please? I'm afraid to go alone. He began smiling again lightly and nodded. "Of course I will. You like having the boys around huh? Makes you feel safer?!" Mac asked and I nodded my head. "I really hope you will show emotions again soon. It makes me so sad to see you like this." he whispered, hoping I wouldn't hear what he said but I did.

After a 10 minutes walk down the street we were standing in front of the Villa. Grandpa walked me to the door and rang the doorbell. He stood a few meters in front of me, because he told he he wants to talk to the boys first, before he leaves again. 

Niall opens the door and he looks confused at my grandpa. He didn't notice me yet though. Then Mac speaks up and I listen to what he says.

"What are you doing here?" Niall asked confused. "Is something wrong with Lia?" Niall asked worried. "She's doing like yesterday, when we found her, but she wanted to see you boys, so  brought her." grandpa said and moved a bit so Niall could see me. I waved at him and he smiled waving back. "But you need to take care when she's around and you have to make sure to keep some things in mind." Mac went on.

"Sure thing, what is it?" Niall asks and Harry approaches him. He looks at me and his eyes never left mine. 

"She still doesn't talk. She still doesn't let anyone touch her or come near her. Make sure to give her enough space. She also doesn't show emotions. All she does is nodding or shaking her head. If she wants to say something, she'll write it down on a piece of paper. If something is wrong, you directly call me. She hasn't slept last night, so maybe see if you get her to sleep a bit and also try to get her to eat, because she's still refusing it." My grandpa told Niall, while ma and Harry were still having this kind of staring contest.

Mac turned around and looked at me. "If something's wrong, the boys will call me, if they don't call I'll come and get you at 6pm latest, except you want to stay the night here." he explained and I nodded in agreement.

He said goodbye and left. I looked after him until he was out of sight and then looked back at the boys. "So do you wanna come in or stand on the doorstep all day long princess?" Niall asked chuckling and I walked in. Niall closed the door and I looked around the welcome hall.  "The others are in the living room." Harry said and walked over to the living room. I followed close behind him. 

"Hey maate who was on the door?" I heard Luke yell and Niall , who was walking behind me took a deep breath. "Mac." Niall yelled back. "Did he bring something or why did he come?" Ashton yelled and giggled. "Yes he did." Harry said and walked into the room. "What?" Luke asked. Harry made a way for me and I walked in front of him. 

"Lia." Ashton said. 


Sorry it took so long to update. I feel like this chap is crap but comment and vote anyways?! xx

Love you guys!! 

A Common Life // One Direction& 5Sos - Sequel to Separated LivesWhere stories live. Discover now