Chapter 15

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We stood there for what felt like forever, just crying and hugging. The other boys left   the room, so me and Louis were alone.

When we both calmed down, we sat on the couch and silence took over us again.

"Louis?" I asked my brother. He looked at me awaiting. "Yes?" "When grandpa found me,...he said that a doctor needs to check on me...when he noticed my state, he said that well leave that until I'm ready for it." I explained to him. "And?" He dragged on. "And I think i'm ready for it." I said trailing off. My hands formed in fists.

I was aware of the fact that Sid would find out I was raped, but I doubt  he would find out how many times. He will probably ask me because all of the big blue bruises and all the wounds, that I got from Casey beating me up, but that's nothing I'm ashamed of to tell.

"Are you okay?" Louis pulled me out of my thoughts by asking. "Yeah, sure." I said. "Lia, are you sure you're ready for it? I mean it's good you finally let someone check on you, but are you comfortabke with it?" He asked me concerned. "Yes. Earlier or later it'll happen anyways so, I am also aware of what his diagnosis will be. I just don't want to talk about what happened in the last two weeks." I told my brother confidently.

Louis nodded in agreement. The other boys came into the room again. "Everything alright?" Ashton asked and Louis answered him with a yes.

I looked at my boyfriend and thought about how hard it must be for him. Just because I talked to my brother doesn't mean I will go on talking. My only intention to speak was making Louis happier again and also telling him I was ready for the check up.

Emotions were still not found on my face after all. Expect for the tears that fell a few minutes ago, of course.

Depending on how it would go on with me in the future I knew our relationship wouldn't work out anymore.

"Can we go now?" I asked Louis who was obviously confused about my question. "Lia it's 2am. Don't you want to wait until tomorrow?" He asked me and I shook my head.

"No." I stated and Lou raised an eyebrow. "Okay, then let's go." He said and we stood up.

* 20 minutes later at the NYPD building *

We walked out of the elevator. I held Louis' hand really tight, like a kid that held on it's mothers hand. Louis looked at me and smiled. We stopped in front of my grandfathers office.

"Are you really sure you want to do this?" He asked me once more and I nodded.

Louis pulled open the door and walked in with me.

"Grandpa?" Louis asked and Mac raised his head and looked at us. "How can I help you?" He asked and I walked in front of Louis, still not letting go of his hand.

"I'm ready for the check up by Sid." I said and Mac looked at me shocked. "Since when is she talking?" Grandpa asked Louis as if I wasn't in the room. "About 2 hours." Louis stated. "But I promised her that she'll not have to tell what happened. She's fine with Sid checking on her and you knowing the results, but she won't talk about it." Louis told grandpa, who nodded.

"Okay, then follow me downstairs to Sid." Grandpa said and walked out the office, and to the stairs.

We walked down the hallway and into Sid's teritory.

As he normally was the pathologe only and not used to checking on people who were still alive, he was pretty surprised as Mac asked him to check on me.

"Okay. Then I'd like to ask you to leave, we'll come to your office, when we're ready and have the results." Sid said and Louis and Mac agreed.

A Common Life // One Direction& 5Sos - Sequel to Separated LivesWhere stories live. Discover now