Chapter 1

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Three years that was the amount of years that Annabeth and Dastan were happily married. What made the two happier was nine months during the fourth year when Annabeth had their baby girl Lucia. Yes the two were wanting a baby for a while. When Lucia was the born, the two rejoiced and celebrated. The happiness didn't last for long though. 

In the middle of the night, as the two were deep in sleep, the baby's asleep a dark figure walked in looking at the parents then at the baby with a smirk. He went to grab the child but stopped hearing shuffling in the parents' bed. Once the shuffling stopped, he picked up the child as she cried. Both Dastan and Annabeth sat up awake and alert as the person ran out with the child. Dastan grabbed his sword and ran out after him to get his daughter back. She stood up scared for her daughter. Dastan continued trying to catch up as the man got outside and on a horse riding away. 

Dastan walked to her with a hurt expression and empty handed. She looked at him hurt as well. He had to catch her as she fell to her knees crying. "Anna. Anna.." He said catching her. He hugged her as she cried on his shoulder. "Hey it's going to be okay." He promised her. 

"How's it going to be okay? Someone literally just took our child." She asked looking at him. 

"We'll get her back. I promise. I won't stop till i found our little Lucia." He promised. She looked at him in his eyes looking for any falter in his words. She couldn't find any as she leaned in. The two kissed. 

"Be sure you get her and yourself back home safe." She told him. 

"I will. You stay here where you're safe. I'll start at dawn." he told her. 

Thats what he did. He looked far and wide, high and low but couldn't find Lucia. He continued the search for 16 straight years for a good long while. 

Meanwhile the person that took Lucia, Marcus, raised Lucia as his own for 16 years waiting for a right moment. He kept her locked up in a small cottage leaving her oblivious of who she was or what she is. All she knew was that she was Lucia a normal girl with a terrible life while with Marcus. That's gonna be shown later on though. Lucia is now sixteen and that's where her story continues. 

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