Don't get your hopes up

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August 2020, Seoul

"Hey Jungkook, I have been anxious for you to get here, I may have some news for you, but lets not get our hopes up." 

"Hey Doc, What's up, what did you find?" 

"So I called the school you attended, your class graduated May 2018 from Seoul National University, impressive, but then your memory loss occurred  "You didn't graduate as a Jeon, but as Gan?"

"Yea, my brothers and I changed our father's surname to our Step father's surname, we didn't want to keep Gan, our step dad has been more of a father to us all."

"You changed it after your memory loss? 

"Yes, we changed it legally June of 2018."

"So I did a little digging and the receptionist at the school remembers you, and she said that she does remember you having a very gorgeous boyfriend, but she couldn't remember his name. "I left her my number in case she remembers or knows someone who might." I also took the chance and asked about Pregnant male students in 2018, and she said that she remembered there were 2 at the school at that time." "She did not know there names off hand, but she would get the records and make sure that she could legally share with me that information." "She says the nurse keeps all that info."

"Wow Doc, so I did have a boyfriend and why do you think he was pregnant?"

"Well, by what you are telling me by your dreams is there is a little girl out there who might just be yours, but then again she maybe someone else's, or there may not be a little girl at all and just someone you made up in your subconscious, there is a possibility your dreams are future premonitions, the man in your dreams may not even be your boyfriend from school." "I also looked over your medical records, you didn't have any type medication or vaccinations administered in 2018, so what was the soreness and lump from?" "Unfortunately, you cant answer that, because you have no memory." "But I did have an idea, and if you are down to try it, it just might work." 

"Try What?" 

"Hypnosis, it will bring out your deepest memories that have been hidden for some reason, what do you say?"

"Lets do it, I feel like we might be getting closer to figuring this out."

"Like I said, don't get your hopes to high, I will set up a time with my colleague who does Hypnosis and let you know when you should come in." "Ok, anything new with flashbacks or dreams?" 

"Dreams are pretty much the same, we are together and happy. I did have a flashback the other day when I was at the coffee shop, someone walked in that looked really familiar to me, I was tempted to ask his name, but when the lady called his name...


Not sure of time or place

"Taehyung you are a really good singer, is that something you want to pursue as a career?" "I would l love to Kook, but my mother will never allow it." "My brothers are in the music business Tae, you should talk to them, I know your brother would support you fully, and you know he stands up to your mother the best." That's because my Jinnie is a bad ass Kook, that's why you love him."

"Jungkook, you said Jinnie? Who's Taehyung? Who's Jinnie? 

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