Love Wins, Love always Wins

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Same day, Daegu

Jin POV: When we got back to the house I took smooch and Jungkook upstairs, I wanted to show him where her room was. She had fallen asleep on the way home, so I am putting her in her crib. I then take his hand and lead him to my room, "this is beautiful Jinnie, you have an amazing view." I turn to him and look him in the eyes, "Are we back together, do you want me in your life again as your partner?" "I want that more than anything Jin, is that what you want?" "Yes, because I was not living while we were apart, I was just existing. people would say "Oh but you have a beautiful daughter to live for" yes, we do have a beautiful daughter that I got out of bed for every morning, she is the one that reminded me that I had to keep breathing in and out. But I was just a shell, my daughter hasn't seen me at my happiest, because my true happiness was with you. She's never seen me sad either, that was for the times I was alone and cursing you, and hating you, and missing you, and longing for you till it hurt. In the beginning I didn't know why you left, I thought of every scenario and none of them made any damn sense. The dreams started, and for 5-6 hours every night I felt that true happiness again, because you were beside me. I thought if he really left me on his own and wanted nothing to do with me, why is he here in my dreams every single night. I never once gave up on you in 2 years, I knew that you would be back in our life." "So I ask you again, are you back in our life to stay?" He walked up to me and took me in his arms and kissed me deeply, lovingly, 2 years to make up for, and I had goosebumps from head to toe and every nerve ending in my body finally woke up. When he pulled away all he said was "Just try to get rid of me." 

They went back down and found Taehyung and Jimin in the kitchen, Jungkook and Jimin hugged. "I am so happy you are back Jungkook-Hyung, I know my Jinnie is over the moon." Jin smiled and Jungkook couldn't help but to hug him again, "I cant believe I am standing here holding you." "I know the feeling", Jin said. "We need to talk about mom, I need proof she had something to do with Jungkook's situation." 'When I was under hypnosis I remember the night it happened." "You do?" "Remember the night you and I were hanging out in the studio at school and your mom called and said your dad was sick, you left, I stayed a little while longer, but was attacked when I went out to my car. The guy injected me with something and a few days later I couldn't remember anything, but I remember what he looked like. 

Jungkook POV: "What did he look like", Jin asked. "He sure as hell wasn't Korean, big muscular blond guy." "Christoph", Taehyung said. "Oh, yea the German guy she used to intimidate people, she also had Rolf, but he wasn't blond, everybody else who worked for her was Korean, so I could see how he would stand out". Jimin said. "Well he isn't with the company anymore correct", Jin asked. "No, mom let him go a short time after Jungkook disappeared", Tae said. Jin left the room and the 3 of us caught up on everything that's happened. Tae informed me that their father passed, I was devastated especially for my Jin, I know that him and his dad were super close. They told me how their mom became even meaner and more cold after he died, "I didn't think it was possible". I said. They laughed and agreed. Jin came back in a bit later and had a piece of paper. "Lets go", he says taking his phone out, "Auntie can you please come to the house and sit with smooch, she is asleep, we'll see you in a bit." "What's going Hyung", Jimin asked. "I found Christoph, we are going over there." Jin turned to look me, "I cant believe you are standing right here", he says wrapping his arms around me. "I love you so much My Jinnie, I haven't been this happy in a long time. 

Jin POV: There was a knock at the door, I let go of Jungkook and let Auntie in. "Adie, come in", I hugged her. "Come, look who's here", I ushered her into the living room. "JUNGKOOK, Oh my god." "Adie, look at you, you look so different." "That's right, they call you Auntie." "Where have you been, Jungkook?" "Yahhh, long story Auntie, we'll tell you later, we have to go right now, she hasn't eaten lunch yet", Jin said hugging her. "Go, I got it." We left, Tae is driving and Jimin is typing in the address, Jungkook and I are in the backseat. "Kook-ah, did you date anyone after you left?" "Nope, and then after the dreams started I thought it would feel like I was cheating on you, I couldn't do it, you?" "He became a monk Jungkook, no fun, boring, homebody, Holy man, I'm sure his cherry grew back too", Taehyung laughed. I face slapped, "Seriously Hyung", I said pouting. Jungkook laughed, "I'm really happy you didn't date anyone", he pulled me into his arms, kissing my head. "I missed that pout." "You did?" "Mmhmm." "Then kiss it", Jin said pouting even more. Jungkook laughed and pulled me into a hot, make out session. God, Kook-ah I missed that so much", I said out of breath, You still have those knee buckling lips." "Hyung what do we wanna do exactly, about mom?" "Well, what are our options, threaten to expose her so she goes far away and never comes back, or throw her ass in Jail. "Lets see what Christoph can give us", I say holding Jungkook's hand.

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