14- The Training begins.

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Quick A/N: So I'm watching Catching Fire while writing this chapter just to make sure that I have the chapter somewhat accurate and I'm watching it from the box set. For some reason they cut out the Finnick scene with Katniss (probably coz he ends up tying a noose) but ya they also cut it out of the netflix version too. I'm not completely sure if Finnick ends up talking to Katniss first, although I think he does, but if anyone reading this knows I would super duper appreciate it if you could comment it on this chapter please! O hope you guys are enjoying my book so far and I'm pretty sure this is going to be the only author's note in this entire book.

Finnick and I decided to split up so that we could cover more ground with the tributes. We already had an unknown alliance with some of the other tributes due to the whole "Save Katniss and Peeta" thing, as well Finnick and I had managed to run into Haymitch early in the morning and he told us that Katniss wasn't too keen on making allies but Peeta would be easy enough to try and form an alliance with. Honestly even without Haymitch saying that I knew I could hopefully easily win Peeta's trust if I showed him my bracelet. 

The elevator doors opened as Finnick and I stepped out. I gave Finnick a quick kiss before telling him good luck and walked over to see what training I could do while I waited for them. I decided to do a bit of training with my upper body and decided to work on crossing the bottom of a high ladder using my arms. After a while I noticed that Katniss and Peeta had arrived so I decided to go talk to Peeta then try my luck with Katniss after. I walked over to Peeta who was standing by some weights and said hi to him. At first he seemed shocked but then seemed to relax and started talking to me easily. For the first little bit we just talked about the usual, that being how things were going for each other in the Capitol but I could tell he didn't know who I was other than Casey the female Victor from District 4. I decided to just hold up my arm to show him the bracelet. He stopped mid speech immediately. He asked me where the hell I had gotten that from and I told him that he got it for me when I got him his bracelet. He shook his head in disbelief before saying that I had better not be messing with him. A tear slid down my face when I realized he thought I could potentially be using it as a ploy to ally so I quickly told him about everything trying as hard as possible to not burst into tears. When I finished all Peeta could say was "Holy shit, you are my sister" before hugging me tightly. I was so happy he believed me. We ended up talking about how our lives were and Peeta asked if Finnick and I were a thing. I laughed before saying that we were together but no one other than the fellow victors knew about it, I then asked Peeta if him and Katniss were really together but he shook his head and said he didn't know where he stood with her. I reassured him that things would be okay in the end and bid my brother goodbye before deciding to go over and work on some fishing hooks incase there would be a possible way to fish in the arena, if the creators were actually wanting to be decent people this time around what with all the riots in the districts happening lately. I gathered up all of the materials I needed and began making a beautiful fish hook, a small smile growing on my face as I was admiring the beauty of such a simple thing. Suddenly I heard someone speaking to me. "That's beautiful." I turned around to see Katniss Everdeen beside me, she continued, "I saw how you volunteered for that older woman, that was very brave." I figured Katniss wasn't one for many words so I decided to reply just as short but sweetly. "I could say the same for you, volunteering for that young girl like that." "Prim is my sister" she spoke hurriedly. My face softened, I'd forgotten that Katniss had a sister, yet again I barely remembered anyone from 12. "Oh. I'm so sorry, I didn't realize that" I said showing how sincere I was. "If you could teach me how to make a fishhook like that I could teach you how to hunt" She said quickly, clearly trying to avoid the topic. I smiled and nodded my head before grabbing more materials and showing her how to make it, my fingers nimbly working on the pattern I had become so familiar with.  Once I finished it I stood back to let Katniss see it completely. After that her and I walked over to the archery range, making small talk about the games. We finally approached and she asked me if I wanted to join her. I shook my head politely before saying "Nah, go ahead. I learn better from watching anyways". She nodded and grabbed the bow and quiver with arrows in it before she stepped inside and programmed the range to suit her needs. I leaned against a nearby table to watch. Finnick quickly joined along with Peeta as more tributes gathered around to watch. After she had finished me and a few other tributes started clapping. I could definitely see why she scored the highest in training in her games last year. I decided to mingle with the other tributes for the remainder of the time and ended up chatting with Johanna and Peeta about the other tributes. Eventually training time was over so I decided to wait around to see if I could find Finnick anywhere when I felt someone's arms snake around my waist and someone put their head on my shoulder. I turned my head slightly to see Finnick so I turned my full body around before telling him that we should probably go to talk strategy away from the remaining tributes. He agreed before kissing me and leading me to the elevators.

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