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Pink stared at green, shaking in her rubbery suit. She started to feel suspicious, but she never thought he would actually turn on her.
"Pink.. Can we sit for a bit?"
His tone wasn't menacing, or threatening, it was..scared.
Green sat by the door and removed his helmet, his gingerish hair dotted with beads of sweat. Pink sat where she was, still wary of him.
"So.. Is it you?"
Green paused, gulped, and then nodded. His eyes had lost the luster they previously had, replaced by a dull shade of guilt.
"And.. You killed lime? Why?"
She watched as green clenched his fist,
"He was going to hurt you."
Pink was conflicted, here was the imposter, enemy number one, but he was also here confessing that he murdered in order to save her. Did she believe he was genuine, or report him like the rest of the crewmates likely would. She didn't have time to decide, as he suddenly burst into quiet sobbing.
Feeling his distress, pink, against her better judgement, stood up and waddled over, sitting next to him.
"Why are you crying?.."
He wiped his eyes, now puffy and red, and looked at her,
"Maybe.. Maybe I don't want to be the imposter.. Maybe I just want to be here with you."
Pink blushed. Why specifically with her. But she didn't push it, instead gently wrapping her arms around him, and having a tight hug returned, making her squeak out of surprise.
"I.. You don't need to kill..I won't tell the others.. If you promise to not kill anymore-"
She was interupted by him squeezing her even tighter,
"yes yes yes I promise!"
Pink sighed and patted his back,
"Let me finish up this wiring and we can join the others."
Green nodded and watched her waddle back over to the panel and put the last of the wires in place. A small message popped onto her PDA, all tasks complete.

All the crewmates filed into the cafeteria, Purple, who had a small version of himself, had a small cooler and placed it on the table "we've completed our tasks and weeded out the imposters, time to celebrate!"
The crewmates collectively cheered and each reached into the cooler for a drink, basic stuff like juice.
Pink grabbed apple juice, while green grabbed something orange. She removed her helmet in order to drink, as it would be pretty hard with it on.
Green watched her with interest, which confused pink, she's just drinking juice. But Green didn't care, she was interesting.

As they finished the drinks, a message popped up on everyone's PDA that the sleeping quarters have opened, and a random pairing of roommates popped up. Pink looked eagerly to see who she was assigned. Green. That made her heart flutter, but why, they wouldn't be sharing a bed, in fact they'd be across the room from eachother. She felt a presence when green leaned over her shoulder to look. This made her cheeks go even redder, why was he so close, and why didn't she mind.

Pink and Green made their way to their room, very basic, 2 beds, sheets, some shelves, and a singular bathroom + shower. Pink unzipped her suit, revealing the skin tight under suit they all wore underneath it. While it made the thick rubbery suit more bearable, she couldn't help but be bothered by how..revealing it was. Not really skin revealing, but it left nothing to the imagination. It only differed with the guys, as they wore an extra piece of protection, down there, that also made it so it was less akward when the suits came off.
She could feel Green's eyes on her,
"My eyes aren't down there."
She heard distressed shuffling as green quickly got out of his suit and into bed. Pink slipped under her own sheets a moment later, as the lights flickered off, and they both drifted to sleep.

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