Chapter 1

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Raven was a quiet person, she always kept to herself. Her parents died in a car crash five years ago, to her it feels like yesterday. Raven has a nerve injury in her back which caused her to be paralyzed from the knee down in her left leg. Raven was in the car the night of her parents death, that's how her leg got messed up. Ever since that night Raven was distant, she never talked to anyone unless she felt it was completely necessary. She had a habit of cutting her wrists to make herself forget about everything. People look at her different now, like she's broken or crippled. Everyone always acted like they cared, but Raven knew better; 'no one could love someone as broken as me'. Raven played that line over and over in her head, until one day she actually started to believe it.

Luna was always moving around, her parents jumped at any job opportunity they could find. Due to that Luna never kept friends very long and the ones she happened to make were fake. Her parents always told her the same line: 'this time will be different' they said and yet the outcome was always the same. They would move to a fairly decent home near a quote end quote good school and the second Luna gets one friend they move again. Luna's life has been like this ever since middle school when her house burned down and her parents lost their jobs. At a certain point between then and now Luna stopped caring, she stopped making any efforts to have friends, and gave up hope that she would ever have a normal life. Luna just wanted to go back to the time before all of the moving, before the fire and just start over. Too bad life rarely ever gives you what you want.

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