Chapter 3

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Time was a foreign concept to the two girls when they were with each other. Raven noticed the sun starting to set so she went to the only place that could suit the occasion; the beach.

"Where are we going?" Luna said confused as to why they went off the road. "It's a surprise" Raven said smiling, not taking her eyes off the road. "Why does it have to be a surprise? Why can't you just tell me?" Luna said practically whining. "That's the point of a surprise Lun, you're not supposed to know where you're going" Raven said slowing down for a turn. Luna smiled at the new nickname. "Okay, we're here" Raven said getting out of the car. "If you told me we were going to the beach I would've came prepared" Luna said following Raven to a spot on the sand. "Don't be dramatic, you'll be fine" Raven said looking at the waves. "Why are we here again?" Luna said looking out into the distance, not like she was complaining or anything. "To watch the sunset" Raven said looking at the curly headed girl. Luna flashed a small smile.

The two girls sat there in a comfortable silence watching the waves. Simply enjoying each others company, occasionally exchanging glances. "I have an idea" Raven said taking Luna's hand and dragging her towards the water. Raven took off her clothes leaving her only in a bra and underwear. "Um Raven what are you doing" Luna said trying to look away from the girl standing in front of her. "Take off your clothes" Raven said staring directly at the other girl. "W-what" Luna said, at a loss for words at the other girls request. "Come on, let's swim" Raven said and walked into the water. "Okay I guess" Luna said and removed her top. Soon enough both girls were standing there only in their bras and underwear. When Raven saw that the other girl had removed her clothes she shoved her into the water. Luna squealed when her body made contact with the cold water. Raven would never say it out loud but that was the cutest sound she had ever heard. Raven didn't know she was staring until Luna said something. "Earth to Reyes" Luna said waving her hand in the other girl's face. "Huh" Raven said snapping out of her thoughts. "You're staring" Luna said with a smirk. "Oh sorry, I zoned out" Raven said blushing slightly. "What were you thinking about" Luna said looking at the other girl. 'You are so pretty' Raven thought to herself. "Oh nothing, it's just getting cold" Raven said slightly shivering. "Okay we can go now" Luna said and started to walk towards the sand. Raven followed. "The two girls put their clothes back on even though they were still wet. Raven put her brace back on and walked to the car. "Are you sure you don't want me to drive? You drove us here" Luna said following the limping girl. "No it's fine" Raven said getting into the car.

"So, where to?" Luna asked getting into the passengers seat. "I don't really know, but I don't really want to go to my house" Raven said looking down. "Can I ask why?" Luna said looking at the other girl. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, that's totally fine with me." Luna said noticing that the other girl looked uncomfortable. "No it's fine I'll just tell you" Raven said looking up. "I'm adopted and my parents don't really like me" Raven said looking at the other girl. "Why don't they like you?" Luna asked trying not to make the other girl more uncomfortable than she already was. Raven didn't verbally respond she just pointed to her leg. "I'm to broken" Raven said, tears started to form in her eyes. "You're not broken Raven" Luna said placing her hand over the other girl's hand. "Why do you care about me? I'm just a crippled girl with no real family" Raven said looking down again to try and hide her tears. "Raven that's not true, you're not broken or crippled, you're funny, smart, kind, and so so many more amazing things. And I don't know why I care about you as much as I do, I just do." Luna said intertwining their fingers so that she was holding her hand. "Let's just go to my place okay, my parents are never really home so it's fine." Luna said with a small smile. Raven smiled. "Okay, lead the way" Raven said turning the key to start the car.

They held hands for the rest of the car ride.

After a comfortably silent car ride and lots of directions they finally pulled into the driveway. The house was fairly large with two stories and an attic. Raven parked the car and looked at the other girl who appeared to be zoned out. "Lun" Raven said waving her free hand in the other girl's face. "Hm" Luna said snapping out of her thoughts. "We're here.......I think?" Raven said questioningly. "Yeah this is it. Oh and don't mind all of the boxes, I haven't really unpacked yet" Luna said scratching the back of her neck nervously. "That's fine, I don't mind" Raven said with a small smile.

The two girls entered the house and went to Luna's room. "It looks terrible in here, I'm sorry" Luna said looking down to distract  herself. "It's okay Luna, really" Raven said and walked closer to the slightly embarrassed girl. "I can help you unpack if you want" Raven said looking at the other girl. "That would be great, thank you" Luna said meeting the other girls eyes. The two girls stood their staring at each other in an awkward silence. "Okay" Raven said walking away to open a box. The two girls engaged in casual conversation while unpacking all of Luna's things. Luna let out a sigh of relief when they were finally done unpacking everything. Raven flopped onto the soft bed, glad that they were done. "Hey I'm gonna go shower, are you going to be okay here" Luna said sitting on the bed. "Yeah I'll be fine, take your time" Raven said sitting up. "Okay, I'll be back" Luna said getting up and headed to the bathroom. Raven sat there in silence. Being alone with her thought for too long, her mind shifted back to the night of the accident. Tears escaped the brunette's eyes.

Raven sat on the bed in silence with her knees up to her chest; sobbing. 'Why couldn't I just die that night, it should've been me' Raven thought to herself. She was so consumed with her own thoughts that she didn't even notice Luna come into the room. Luna finished her shower and went back to her room. When she stepped into the room she saw Raven, sitting there sobbing. Without thinking she walked over to the other girl and wrapped her into a hug. The two girls sat there in silence, the only sound in the room were Raven's quiet sobs; which had calmed down since Luna entered the room.

After about an hour of sitting in comfortable silence Raven's breathing evened out, signaling Luna that the beautiful Latina had fallen asleep. Luna turned off the light and laid the sleeping brunette onto a pillow. Luna felt a wave of tiredness wash over her and slowly but surely ended up falling asleep next to Raven.           

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