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His knees,finally gave away.

With a thud, his body collided with the wall, and sank to the floor. Numerous books, files and papers were scattered all around him, alongside with myriads of small, colorful glasses from broken vases and photographs.

A window was left hanging open. Inside the room, a heavy, suffocating silence reigned for hours and hours, until the sun, hidden all day long behind grey clouds, now fell over the horizon.

"I am in love with you, Eda Yildiz."

"The feelings are mutual, Serkan Bolat."

Memories pierced the heart like thorns, in the most unwelcoming moments. It wasn't long ago that night he had begged her not to leave him. It wasn't that long ago that he was able to look into her shinning brown eyes. He would feel Eda sinking close to him on the couch, her hands a vice grip on his waist. She would laugh, as he played with a strap of hair that broke free on her forehead. And as she was laughing, that small dimple on the corner of her lips appeared, and Serkan would bring his lips into it, planting sweet little kisses there.

It felt like he knew her forever and yet, it wasn't that long. And more importantly, it wasn't enough.

The clock slayed the time like a sharp knife, yet, Serkan never moved an inch.

The pale twilight, slowly swallowed every trace of light, spreading darkening shadows everywhere. And just before the blue colors of the day succumbed into pure black, a little ray of light swept the room only to finally die upon the little world miniature lying broken on Serkan Bolat's feet.

And with darkness, sorrow came too, flapping her gaunt wings happily over his soul.

Ferit had left as soon as he came.

It didn't take long for the other man to take his revenge. Two minutes, one paper, a couple of words and Serkan's world was forever altered one more time.

"Your father is the reason Eda's parents died that day."

He smelled flowers. Maybe this was a nightmare. Maybe he had a fever again. Maybe she would come to him as she did that night and let him sleep in her arms one last time.

"Your father is the reason Eda's parents...."

But Eda didn't come. The only company he had had, was the cruel echo of Ferit's voice as it was settling heavily on the walls.

"Your father is the reason-"

Even taking a breath was so much effort. A scream died on his lips. His fists clenched. Warm tears burned his cold skin.

The wind was getting stronger outside now.

The man lifted himself from the floor and went close to the window. His knees were steady this time. If only his soul wasn't shivering.

The white curtains, stopped dancing with the wind, and immediately embraced him.

Upon the sky, the stars were shining brightly. They knew nothing of pain and sorrow. They knew nothing of love.

Serkan stared and stared and stared at them, until he saw no stars any more.Flowers were blooming on the sky now.

"I never deserved you, peri kizi."

His voice was merely a whisper, yet, it held the steel of a vow. He swallowed roughly.

This love started with a game. And with a game it shall end.

He made his decision.

From that night on, his sky would always bloom with flowers. He lost the stars forever.

He took his phone out of the pocket of his pants, walking inside again.

"Raul! This is Serkan Bolat. I am sorry for the late call my friend. How is Rome? Still sunny? No, I am fine, don't worry. I called you because I need a favour....."

"The Little Prince" was still opened on the desk, where he had placed it before Ferit came. A couple of words were underlined with a black pen.

"People have forgotten this truth", the fox said. "But you mustn't forget it. You become responsible forever for what you've tamed. You're responsible for your rose."

He ended the call with Raul and sat on the couch, not bothering to turn on the lights. The darkness of the room matched perfectly the one reigning on his heart.

Goodnight little prince, the stars whispered.

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