Chapter 5- Everybody Knows

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Right as Bucky has finished burping Alice, he heard a knock on the door. 

"Now who can that be? Maybe Uncle Stevie." Bucky questioned as he walked to the door with Alice on his hip playing with a rattle. Bucky opened the door only to find the avengers, all of them holding gifts.

"SURPRISE!" They all cheered, which had scared Alice, she cried as she put her face into the crook of Buckys neck. They all awed at the sight, Bucky then stepped to the side as everyone walked in. Steve directed everyone to put their presents by the fire place, he then walked up to Bucky, putting some of Alices hair behind her ear, he rubbed her back gently. 

"Hey little one, it's me." Said Steve in a gentle and soft voice. Alice looked up at him.

" 'cle 'tevie?" Alice asked. Bucky and Steve chuckled at the moment. 

"Yea, that's my name." Steve chuckled as he took Alice from Buckys arms.

"Let's give your dada a break , you're getting heavy." Steve teased as he tickled the baby under her chin. Alice giggled at the action.  Steve and Bucky walked into the living area to introduce Alice to the team. Natasha looked at Alice with a great big smile.

"She's adorable Bucky, she actually looks a lot like you." Natasha said.

"Thanks." Bucky replied as he handed Alice another toy. Tony then walked up behind him and patted his shoulder. 

"Yea I knew you could do it Barnes, every one else thought you were crazy." Tony said. Everyone else gave noises of disagreement.  Thor than stood up and pulls out his hammer. 

"Let us see if the baby Alice is worthy." He said as Alice reaches for the hammer.

"NO!" Everyone shouted as Bucky grabbed Alice from Steve and backed up far away from the hammer.  Alice started crying due to not knowing the dangers of taking that Asgardian weapon. Bucky bounced her and rubbed her back, trying to calm her down. 

"'s okay doll, I'm sorry dada didn't want you to get hurt." Bucky said as he plopped Alices pacifier in her  mouth to soothe her. Alice soon stopped crying and happily sucked on her pacifier as she played with the plastic key toys. About an hour or so later, Bucky  noticed his daughter slowly open and close her eyes and rub them. 

"Somebody's tired." Wanda said noticing Alices yawns.

"Yea, it's her nap time now anyway." Bucky stated as he took the infant to his room and put Alice in his bed, he caged her in with the pillows like he always did and covered her with the comforter. 

"Night night doll." Bucky said as he kissed the child's forehead.

"Nigh nigh dada." Alice responded as she closed her eyes and cuddles into the pillows and blankets. Bucky walked back into the living room to talk with the team once again. After an hour and a half of talking they had decided it was time for Bucky to open the gifts the team had bought for him and Alice.  Sams was first. As Bucky opened the present he found cute little outfits and pajamas that would fit Alice perfectly. 

"Just what we needed, thanks Sam. I haven't had time to go to the store to buy clothes for her." Bucky said with gratitude. Next was Thor's present . Bucky opened it to find bottles with butterflies and hearts. Next was Clints, Bucky was hoping it wasn't a bow and arrow. Instead of a weapon he saw that Clint bought Alice a brand new pair of shoes, Alice didn't own any shoes yet so he was excited. Next was Natashas present, so It had to be good. Her present to Alice consisted of multiple pacifiers, some even had flavors. Alice definitely needed these as her current one was on the edge of being broken. Next was Wandas. Wanda had purchased some toys that would help Alice learn words, colors, shapes, etc. this would come in handy. Next was Steve's, Bucky was excited for this particular gift, Bucky had discovered that the gift was kids books for Bucky to read to Alice before bed. Next was Tony's, Bucky wasn't too fond of his gift, diapers. Tony had also left a note saying how there would be no excuse to change dirty diapers since he would have to change them all. The next gift was Bruce's, Bucky could already guess what it was judging by the size of the object. As Bucky unwrapped the box he was ecstatic, it was a crib perfect for the guest room that's would become Alices room. Last but not least was visions present. As the bag was opened stuffed animals came pouring out, Alice would finally have other cuddle buddies than her father. After organizing all the gifts, Bucky thanked the team for coming over and being supportive of him being a father. Around 2 o'clock everyone heard a whine and then shout 

"DADA!" Shouted baby Alice as she has woken up for a nap and needs her diaper to be changed and her to be fed. Bucky speed walked to the bedroom and smelled the air.  He then pinched his nose as soon as the stink crawled up his noise. 

"You definitely need a diaper change you stinker." Bucky stated as he laid Alce down and took out all the supplies needed. After Bucky had changed Alice he brought her into the kitchen to heat up a bottle. Steve had gotten up from the couch and walked up to Alice to greet the little one. Steve caressed Alices cheek. 

"Hey little one, did you have a good nap?" Steve asked. Alice responded in a whine and hid in Buckys chest to hide her face. 

"She still hasn't woken up yet." Bucky stated as he took the now warm bottle out of the water and began to feed Alice. After burping Alice, Bucky brought her to the living room to see the amazing gifts the team has bought her. The first thing her eyes caught were magnetic alphabet letters that Wanda had bought. 

"Those would be perfect for bath time yea?" Bucky asked. This resulted in a giggle from Alice. As Alice went through the stuffed animals she had received she was very fond of the wolf and lamb plush. Pretty soon everyone had left and it was time to start Alices bedtime routine. First dinner which was pasta with tomato sauce. Then it was time for a bath, as Bucky washed te sauce off of Alice she put some letters on the wall. After she was squeaky clean and dry she was put into her new pajamas and had "Goldilocks and the three bears" read to her. Bucky covered Alice and placed the lamb plush next to her. Bucky put Alices pacifier in her mouth and kissed her forehead.

"Sweet dreams baby doll." Bucky whispered as Alices eyes closed. Bucky did his routine by taking his shower, putting his pajamas on and cuddling with Alice before falling asleep. Today had been great day, and both father and daughter are looking forward for tomorrow.

Daddy Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now