Chapter 2

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"Jimin, Jungkook is here!"

He opened his eyes. Did he oversleep? A bit too quickly he stood up and sat down immediately when he passed out.

That probably was too quickly.


Now it was his voice he heard. Soon after a smiling Jungkook appeared and laughed when he saw the sleepy blonde.

"You overslept? Again?"

He closed the door behind him and sat down on Jimin's bed. Jimin just snorted, stood up and took out some clothing from the wardrobe.

"How many times do you want to oversleep? Why don't you use an alarm?"

He changed his clothing in front of the dark-haired as always and yawned before he looked at himself in front of the mirror and adjusted his hair.

"In general, I do not set any alarms. They annoy me and are too loud. By the way they should cause stress."

He turned to Jungkook and recognized that he looked away for a while.

"Oh avoid everything that causes stress. What a weird kink."

Smiling he sat down to the dark-haired and stared to the same direction as he did.

"You know me for seven years already and still forget how I tick. This is so you, Jungkookie."

He earned a gentle fist from Jungkook against his shoulder so Jimin giggled.

"Do not say that. It looks like I am the worst best friend in the world."

"Dinner is ready!"

Although she is not that strong and could not scream that loud, my grandma could manage to scream as loud as she could whenever dinner was ready. Jimin stood up and pulled Jungkook by his arm with him.

"Come on, let us eat before we leave."

Jungkook nodded his head but felt sad. The blonde one immediately recognized that, but as much as he knew the dark-haired one, he knew he will need some time to talk with Jimin about his thoughts, worries and concerns. Jimin knew him very well.

Together they went downstairs and took place on the dining table which was richly set. Jimin's grandma took care of a healthy and well-balanced nourishment, that is why she cooked everything from meat to vegetables. The boys started eating quickly, but Jimin's grandma was already used to this behavior. She was happy that Jimin and her do not have to eat all this alone. It became like a tradition that Jungkook joined them during dinner and by the way, Jimin enjoyed eating with him. It made him happy and that is what he needed.

There also were times when he had deep depressive thoughts and wanted to be alone in his room. Times, in which his healthy became bad, but with Jungkook Jimin became a new human being. And to watch them together fills his grandma's heart with love and warmth everytime.

"Grandma, I will help you with the dishes.", Jimin said when they were finished and carried the dishes to the kitchen again.

Like always, both boys helped her before they enjoyed their togetherness. This was actually every day if not one of them was busy. This time they decided to watch a movie. And Jimin may picked one.

"I always wonder how you can be so picky everytime when it is about choosing the best movie."

And it is true. Jimin always picked movie which were a bit boring, but beautiful at the same time. Sometimes he also watched documentaries.

"Sorry that I nearly shit my pants when I watch horror movies, that the villains in action movies annoy me and that I get frustrated when I watch comedy movies and do not get the joke."

"So, there are only documentaries and schmaltzy movies left."

Jimin had to laugh because it was true. He always picked schmaltzy movies but read the end of the movie before they even started watching. If the end was sad, he would definitely not watch it.

"Schmaltzy movies with happy end.", he corrected and smiled.

When they arrived at the cinema, Jungkook bought some popcorn. Jimin only ate two or three bites and then it was enough for him. Another thing that the dark-haired boy did not understand. How can you not like popcorn?

And again, they sat in a schmaltzy movie while Jungkook nearly felt asleep and Jimin nearly cried because it was so beautiful. That is why Jungkook was even happier when the movie ended and they went out for a little walk.

"The movie was sooooo beautiful.", Jimin raved as always while the dark-haired one put his hand into his pockets and copycatted the blonde boy.

Of course, he received a little hit on his chest for that, but Jungkook laughed, as well as Jimin. He was really happy to find someone like Jungkook. Never before he felt so lightsome and free like with him. And nobody else caused him those feelings like Jungkook did. But he could not speak out, could not tell him how he felt. They were best friends for such a long time. Jimin did not want to ruin all this and sink into his depression even more. Especially now was a bad timing for that.

It became already dark outside. Both boys walked next to each other through the streets of Busan while the first stars appeared at the sky. Jimin's favorite view.

"So beautiful.", he said and did not recognize that Jungkook stopped and looked down on the ground.

Only when he called his name, the blonde one turned around.


There were only a few meters distance between them.

Jimin looked at Jungkook, looked into his eyes which were totally fixed on his own.

"You know...that is really bad."

'What is bad?', Jimin thought.

"How long have we been friends? Seven years? This is too long for me."

He chuckled and moved his hand through his dark hair. What did he want to tell by this? Did he want to end their friendship? Did he have to move? Was Jimin enough for him? Jimin placed his hand on his chest and felt the pressure inside. He was scared.

"You know, I am scared that I will lose everything which is important to me, but I cannot deal with it anymore."

Jimin still did not get what his counterpart meant, he swallowed. It was windy and really cold. Jimin clings to his jacket as if it would give him safety.

"Jimin, I am head over heals in love with you. I love you. I always loved you since the day we met."

It was February 13th, 2019.

The night was cold.

The wind caressed the face of the blonde boy.

The stars shined at the sky.

People passed them talking, discussing.

Cars passed them, honked and screamed.

But that is all the blonde one did not recognize.

He only was focused on him. Jungkook. The one he fell in love with since the first time they met. The one who confessed his feelings for him just a second ago. The one who did what Jimin wanted to do, but never was able to.

"Jimin, why are you crying?"

He cried? Right! Now he recognized it himself. Tears fall down his cold cheeks. Something inside of him awaked. He was just happy.

Jungkook still stood in front of him, but before he could walk to the blonde one, Jimin stepped forward, pulled the taller one down and placed his lips on Jungkook's.

It was February 13th when they gottogether.

My heart beats for you (EN) | JiKook [completed]Where stories live. Discover now