Getting To Know You...

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***Warning this chapter is a bit angsty as we learn Gun's back story. Mentions of past abuse here***

Off didn't want to stop hugging Gun but he was shivering from being soaked so he knew it was best to get shorty warm and dry before they talked properly. "Hey shorty, go and get a shower now alright? You're shivering and I can't have you getting sick, we have photo's to take tomorrow." Off said payting Gun's back. Gun sniffed and pulled away slightly. "I'm sorry for being so much trouble..." he said wiping away his tears "I'll be fine now." He said putting on a fake smile. "Hey don't try and pull that with me. I know you're not fine and I want to talk about it or do what ever you need to feel better. I just don't want you to get sick on top of  what ever else is going on."

Gun was shocked, he expected Off to pleased to have a chance to avoid his bullshit but instead he was acting like he really cared, Gun wasn't sure how to respond to that. He wasn't used to people caring about him any more. "Thank you Off..." he whispered shyly. "Its fine, that's what friends are for. Now come on you need to warm up." Off replied leading the way to the bathroom. "You jump in and I'll pass some if my stuff in to you. Might be a bit big but it'll do til I get your stuff sorted." He said switching the shower on and handing Gun some towels before walking out.

Off went to his bedroom and dug out some of his clothes for Gun before sending a quick text to Mild and Tay to tell them what was going on, if it might effect the cafe they needed to know he reasoned. Once that was done he headed back to the bathroom and knocked on the door. Getting no answer he assumed Gun was in the shower so walked in to drop the clothes off. Off saw that Gun was in the shower but had left the curtain open a little. He didn't mean to look but Off saw Gun's back. It was covered in bruises and scars, Off gasped quietly and backed out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

Off's mind was reeling with what he'd just seen. He wanted to find out whoever had hurt that tiny guy and make them pay. He felt sick to his stomach but he knew he couldn't say anything without Gun knowing he basically spied on him in the shower so Off just drank the rest of his beer and tried to chill. He ordered a load of pizza and sides for him and Gun to share then sat down and waited for his shirty to get out of the shower. Gun came out a while later thankfully looking much healthier than when he'd gone in.

"I've ordered pizza and stuff if that's OK?" Off said softly. "Yeah, thank you I'll pay you back now..." Gun said looking for his wallet in his wet pants. Off shook his head. "My treat for keeping me company on my first night in my new place." He said with a small smile. Gun smiled back and Off felt like his heart was going to break. It was such a genuine smile and he wondered how such a small gesture could make someone so happy. "Want a beer?" He offered. "I'll go wash your clothes so I'm heading to the kitchen any way." He offered.

Gun was thanking what ever fates had allowed him to make a friend like Off. He was doing so much and hadn't asked for anything in return, Gun felt so lucky. "I can just have water so I'm not drinking your beer." Gun said. "Ok shut up, I offered so do you like beer?" Off said. Gun nodded. "Ok so I'll get you a beer." The door bell rang. "That'll be the pizza can you call down I'll go and fetch it in a minute." He shouted to Gun from the kitchen. He walked back in to find Gun gone he was about to panic when he walked back in with boxes in his arms. They were stacked so high Off couldn't see his face and he chuckled before taking some of the boxes.

Gun was smiling beneath the mountain of boxes. "I wanted to pay for the pizza but when I went down he said you'd already paid." Gun said with a small pout. "Yep, gotta be quicker than that shorty." Off said ruffling Gun's hair. They sat on the sofa and slowly worked their way through the huge feast ordered by Off. "There will be so much waste Off! I feel bad." Gun said looking at the food remaining. "Its fine we can reheat it for lunch tomorrow" Off said, then realised he'd not only made it sound like Gun would be staying tonight but also coming up after their photo shoot too.

Before he could let himself get embarrassed he decided to change the subject. "So want to tell me what happened now?" He said. Gun looked down and took a sip of his beer. "It's ok of you don't want to talk about it though. There's no pressure." Off said hoping he hadn't scared Gun off. Gun didn't look up he focused on the beer bottle in his hand and picked  at the label. "My dad found out I was going working here and kicked me out. He said he didn't want a fag living in his house so yeah. He pushed me out on my ass and locked the door behind me. It was lucky I had my phone and wallet on me or I don't know what I would have done..."

Gun said, he sounded almost emotionless but Off could see the tears rolling down his cheeks. "I guess it's my fault for wanting something for myself anyway." He said then the flood gates opened and he began to sob. Off went on to auto pilot and just gathered Gun into his arms and hugged him gently. Gun held on to Off's shirt, he was still crying but managed to tell Off his story. That his mom had died almost 8 years ago and since then he'd been fending for himself and been expected to take care of his dad as well.

How he'd been working in different jobs to get experience because he wanted to be a baker and open up his own cafe someday. How his dad had taken most of his money but he had a secret account where he had squirrelled away money when he could. His last employer was so sad to lose him they called him today to ask him to stay but his mobile was off because of the meeting today so they called his home number. Once his dad found out he was changing jobs he demanded to know the detail Gun was going to lie but he couldn't think of a convincing one so he told the truth, thinking all his dad would care of was the money anyway but he was wrong.

His dad and flown into a rage saying no son of his would be a whore and that he had to quit the job but unlike all the other times Gun wouldn't back down. That was enough for his dad to label him a fag and kick him out with nothing. There was nothing but Off could do but hold Gun and let him talk while his own heart broke. That man was an asshole and Off knew of a few friends of Tay's Por who knew exactly how to deal with those but he cohkd never say that to Gun, it would bring him into that world and Off didn't want that.

"I don't know what I'm going to do Off, I have a little money saved but it won't last me long if I have to pay for accommodation and new clothes and stuff. I don'teven know why I stood up to him..." He said still sobbing. "I promise it will be fine Gun. You have a family here now, we'll never leave you like that. You can stay here with me for now ok? Then when you've been working a while we can try and find you a place of your own. I know they might not be to your taste but I have plenty of clothes you can lend or I could buy you some new clothes instead?" Off offered rubbing circles on Gun's back.

Gun pulled away slightly from Off, wiped away his tears and looked up in to his eyes. "Why are you being so nice to me?" He asked uncertainty etched on his brow. "I have nothing to pay you back with, you know that but you keep being nice... I just don't understand." He said tearing up again. "Who asked you to pay me back?" Off said sternly. "I do what I want and I want to be your friend and help you." He wiped away a stray tear from Gun's cheek. "If you'll let me?" He said softly. "I just don't know.  I'm so scared Off, I'm so afraid and so tired." Gun said. Off pulled him back into the hug and leaned all the way back on the sofa so Gun could get comfortable in his arms. "Just sleep for now and we can work the rest out together tomorrow." He said gently patting Gun's back. Within seconds Gun's breathing evened out and he began lightly snoring in Off's arms.

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