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Candace POV,
I was in the hospital and today i was going home , my mom came in and gave me some clothes.
I changed my clothes and had my breakfast, mom said " honey there is a meeting and i have to go to new york as its your high school , i have decided that you will stay with niall here i will be in new york for next 10 month , so im going i have my flight", and kissed on my forehead , gave me a tight hugand went away.
Niall came in and said" lets go baby"
" ok" i said,we drove to his house.
He said " so now you will stay with me love and if you want we can have rest".
Niall POV,
She looked to tried so i told her to go and rest in my room, because i had only one room in which i had a bed so i sent her" honey go and rest in my room" i said, she nodded and went away , she was sad i could she the expression on her face. It was so bad i wanted to make her happy, but i was'nt able to. I went to take shower then.
Candace POV,
I was in his bedroom lying on his bed ,suddenly my phone vibrated , there was a text it was from harry.
Harry: hello love
Harry: how are you?? Are you fine wanna meet you, can i come.
Me: hi, im fine dude , yeah you can come, i just changed my house come in the house next to my old house.
Harry: ok im coming.
There was a noise and niall came out of the shower, he was wearing his boxer, oh ghosh he so sexy i was not able to control my self.
The door bell rang, niall changed in clothes, and went to open the door.
Niall POV,
As i opened the door, harry was standing in front of, he said" Good evening Mr.horan is Candace.. living her" as he stumbled , i nodded " come in she is here, only" i said, i led him to the room and went to the kitchen to make lunch for my baby.
Candace POV,
Harry came in, i was so happy to see him he said"  are you and Mr.horan in relationship , why are staying with him, did your mom know that"," we are not in relationship , don't act like a sucker harry, my mom has said to stay , with him , mom is in new york and don't be like those silly girls" I replied, he said" ok, and Molly had been kicked out of school, it was a real rumor you were right hun" , i was shocked , the only thing which came in my mind was i did wrong with niall, he was not lying , i literally made him sad, oh no i had been so rude to him.

Oh shit why did i do it to himself i was literally cursing my self for that

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Oh shit why did i do it to himself i was literally cursing my self for that

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