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Demi's POV

It's now the next week, and Max has still refused to talk to me. He only talks to the kids and once I get my phone back he hangs up before I can even say anything. He's flying in today and actually should be here soon. The kids are still at school, so I don't know if Max is going to come to our house or somewhere else. I do hope he comes here but I'm not very convinced that he will. Niall has tried to contact me and apologize but I've ignored him every time. I would love to put the blame all on Niall but I know that's not how this works. I'm just as at fault as he is. I'm actually more at fault because I was the one in a relationship and I cheated. I just wish Max would talk to me so we can try and resolve this and work up from here. It doesn't seem like that's going to happen because of the grudge Max is holding. I don't blame him though. I probably would be just as pissed and hurt if it was the other way around. I then all the sudden here the front door open so I look over from the couch to see Max walking in.

"Hi. How was the flight?" I ask but he completely ignores me and walks upstairs. I sigh sadly as I look down at my hands as tears start falling down my cheeks. Batman then jumps on the couch next to me and lays on my lap, probably to comfort me. He's been doing a lot of cuddling with me the past week. About thirty minutes later, Max walks back downstairs with wet hair and changed in different clothes. He grabs his keys off the counter and I stand up to walk over to him.

"Where are you going?" I ask quietly and he shrugs.

"Out." He answers and I sigh.

"Max, can we please talk?" I ask and he shakes his head and leaves. I sigh quietly and then walk upstairs to our room. When I get there, I walk into the bathroom to pee and when I go to wash my hands I see Max's wedding ring laying on the counter and my heart absolutely breaks. Tears rapidly fall down my face as I pick up his ring and tightly wrap my fingers around it. I didn't even notice he took his ring off.

I don't know how long I cry for, but eventually it's time to pick up the kids so I clean myself up as best as possible and get in the car to pick them up.

"Mommy guess what?" Zara asks as soon as I get them in the car and start driving home.

"What?" I ask with just as much enthusiasm.

"I got a 100 on my spelling test today!" She says and I smile big.

"That's amazing baby girl! I'm so proud of you!" I say and she smiles. "What about you Ezra? How did you do on your spelling test?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I got two wrong." He says and I smile.

"That's still amazing! Good job handsome. Tonight we can practice those two words a little more, okay?" I say and he nods. When we get home, I see Max's car back in the driveway and I take a deep breath. I haven't told the kids that Max was coming home for the weekend so I'm sure they will be surprised. I help the kids out of the car and they run inside while I grab their backpacks. When I get inside I see the kids hugging Max tightly in the living room and I smile slightly as I hang their bags up and grab their lunch boxes.

"How long are you staying daddy?" Zara asks him.

"I leave Sunday night, but we're all going to spend so much time together this weekend. I promise." He says kissing them both and they giggle and hug him again. I walk back into the kitchen to pack their lunches for tomorrow. As I make their lunches I start crying again when I realize that Max might actually divorce me. I take a deep breath and wipe my tears away as I finish their lunches and then I put them in the fridge.

"Why are you crying mommy?" I hear Ezra ask and I jump slightly and then turn to him.

"I'm not crying buddy." I say giving him a small smile.

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