Chapter 5

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T/W – swearing, adult situations

"No," he said to himself staring into Kate's clear, green eyes. He shouldn't have done it. He should have taken the exit and disappeared into the mass of people on the street. He thought about Helen then as he weaved through the humanity. He thought about the first time they met, both of them climbing into the same cab from opposite doors in the pouring rain, staring at each other as water dripped off their noses and burst into a round of true laughter.

She was incredibly beautiful. Dark brown eyes, soft, and at the time wet, chocolate colored hair. Her smile mesmerized him, the way her head tipped back as she laughed. She extended a cold, wet hand and introduced herself. Although he always had been told and repeated to himself, "No civilians," he was thunderstruck.

She surprisingly agreed to have a drink with him, to dry off and warm up, and they exited the cab after John paid the driver anyway for putting up with them. They dipped back into The Continental and had a drink by the fire that burned in the huge fireplace and that, as they say, was that. They were never apart after that. Winston warned him and warned him, admitting that she was indeed, a beautiful woman, but they, he felt, were a dime a dozen in New York. But John knew Winston kept an eye on them whenever they had a drink in the lounge, or dinner in the restaurant, or when Helen appeared from John's room in the hotel.

Winston's mood bordered on irritation when he saw Helen; John didn't know why. Even Helen asked him why Winston despised her so. John had figured he was just battling the little green monster and went about his business. He told Helen to just avoid him, but he seemed to be everywhere she went in the hotel.

Within a year of putting up with Winston, they began looking for a house together. Helen worried when John disappeared for 2 weeks, telling her it was a "business trip", but he came home thin, ragged, exhausted, his body covered in bruises and abrasions. All he managed to do for the next week was sleep and eat while Helen worried and continually asked him what kind of business trip he took. He told her it was his last business trip, that the house they loved in New Jersey was theirs and presented her with an engagement ring as he bent down on one knee before her.

And that, as they say, was that until she became ill and his world crashed down around him. How could something he loved be taken away from him when his entire life since he was 8 years old was a life of service? Wasn't he allowed to be happy? Did that go along with his pledge to serve?

When Helen died, he vowed to devote the rest of his life to remembering her. He would do nearly anything to fulfill that oath and he had. He had turned his life over to the High Table, even with his protestations of retirement. He was bound by his word which was the last vestige of moral fiber he owned free and clear. And he had given his word to kill Winston. John wondered how long he could circumvent the inevitable.

Six years after Helen died, he stood focused on the face of Kate, his past and future twirling around in his brain. He thought again about his vow to honor Helen and wished he had taken the exit when it was presented to him.

The quick second that silently passed as he thought about these things caused Kate to tip her head at him. "Is there something I can help you with?" she asked, her voice low and sensuous.

"No," he finally answered. "Thanks."

"Well it was nice finally meeting you," Kate smiled at him.

A surge of adrenalin flowed through him and as smoothly as he could, he asked her if she would have a drink with him after the show. It seemed to him like another voice was coming out of his mouth. While his brain concentrated on Helen, words came flowing out of his mouth asking this woman for a date.

"I've gone insane," he said as his hands folded into fists at his sides. Then he looked into her vibrant eyes while his peripheral vision soaked in her shapely body and he relaxed. It was just the right thing to do.

Some things you just can't deny. For the first time since Helen died, he wanted someone else. John wanted his mouth crushed against her sweet, wine colored lips as his hands explored her wonderful body. He wanted to see her need him, to hear her passionately call out his name. It wasn't just the sex he craved, that was bad enough, but he missed the connection with another human being, the human touch, the quiet bond that holds one person to another.

"Some things you just can't deny," he said to himself.

Kate was smiling at him. "I'd love to meet you for a drink...or maybe some coffee? You know we don't stop until 1 a.m. "

"That's fine," he nodded back to her, knowing he had one foot in and one foot out of this situation. A genuine smile appeared on his face. "I'll meet you here after your show."

"Great," she answered, wondering to herself what she was doing. She never went out with complete and utter strangers but how could someone who looked like him be a serial killer?

Another band took over after James Richter's Band finished their show and Kate was acclimating the group's singer when Winston approached her. He greeted the both of them, then turned his attention on Kate. The other singer left them alone.

"Excellent," he glowed. "An excellent show."

"Thank you Winston," she answered appreciatively. She again felt the assurance, the confidence, the power behind that voice.

"I'd love to ask you if you'd like to have a drink with me when you're done here."

"Oh, I'd love to, but I'm meeting someone else."

He seemed totally taken aback. No one denied him; no one turned him down. Winston took a half step backwards as he said, "Really?"

"Yes, I'm sorry," she told him "Maybe we can do it another time?"

"Perhaps," was all he answered as he turned on his heels, straightened his back and walked away.

Kate winced. "That didn't go well," she said out loud.

"Just as fucking well," Gary said to her from behind.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough."

"There's nothing wrong with meeting someone for a drink. There's no plan for fucking on the table."

"That guy, Winston. Think Michael Corleone," Gary said flatly.

"You've seen 'The Godfather' too many times," Kate said back to him.

"And that moose you're going to have a drink with? Think Clemenza, think Tessio," he added, his voice forceful.

"Thank God he's not a Barzini. We hate those 'damn Barzini's'," she added for effect.

"Joke all you want," Gary warned her. "But these guys are not to be messed with. I'm telling you, Kate. They can put you in a world of murder and revenge."

Kate stepped toward him and placed a hand on his cheek. "It's a drink, Gary. That's it. I'm not planning on having his baby."

"Well, I warned you. Nothing much else I can do," he said and walked away from her.

She knew Gary meant well but nothing was going to stop her from having a drink with John Wick.

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