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John and Kate married 3 months later and found a house of their own not far from the house they used that belonged to the manager of the Chicago Continental. While moving in, they adopted a stray cat and her 4 kittens who delivered in their garage.

There was no word from Winston or the Organization but Gary had quietly visited, bringing along a house warming present.

"I probably won't see you again," Gary told Kate wistfully before he left. "But you know how to get a hold of me if you need me, right?"

"Yes," Kate told him and thanked him for his help.

"I have something for John," he said, producing a small package wrapped in brown paper. "He can open it after I've gone."

"What is it?" Kate asked, taking the box.

"I don't know, honestly. It's from my family."

"Thank you, Gary. I'll give it to him," Kate smiled, kissing Gary's cheek. "I actually have a surprise for you..."


"Yes and you're the very first to know."

"What is it?"

"I'm pregnant, Gary....," she announced with a happy smile. "I'm telling John tonight."

"Congratulations, baby," Gary replied happily. "I'm thrilled for you. Thrilled for you both. I'm sure John will be very excited."

"Yes, he will."

After a few more minutes, Gary left, kissing her cheek as he walked through the door.

Kate locked the door after him and called for John who was cleaning up in the kitchen.

"Gary left this for you. He said it's from his family."

John hummed and began to open the package. Inside was a vial of bleached sand and a note.

He unfolded the note which read, "When there was only one set of footprints, it was us carrying you. We always had your back. Live in Peace. It's the only way."

As Kate leaned to read the note, she asked John what it meant.

"A reminder of my past and a hope for our future," he answered softly. Kate hugged him as he rocked her sweetly. "A hope for our very happy future."

A Man of Service  A John Wick FanficWhere stories live. Discover now