chapter 13

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I woke up on hannahs sofa, I look to see what time it is. its 3:23am. Jesus what happened last night I look on the ground to see hannah asleep clutching a bottle of vodka. I try to go back to sleep which is successful I wake up again to the smell of vegan bacon yum.

"Your up then"hannah says

"Yeah what time is it?" I ask

"9am why" she asks

"Well I woke up at 3 in the morning to see you asleep on the floor clutching a bottle of vodka. "I say giggling

"Mamrie we need to talk about your issues"she says looking deep into my eyes

"Hannah im fine its nothing"i say

"I think your forgetting I have been where you are I know what your going through"she says, she trys to hold my hand I move away.

"I cant hannah"i say

"Why not?"she asks clearly upset with me

"Because I cant"i say

"Your scared im gonna leave you for grace, aren't you?"she says staring at me.

"I cant deal with this hannah just go back to grace I can't do this"I say truthfully

"No mamrie I need you I have told you everything"she says on the verge of tears

"Loving you Hannah is difficult for me, I don't trust easyily." I say tears streaming down my face

"Then give me a chance mamrie you might be surprised" she says

"Fine Hannah one chance"I say


Hey guys I know short but I'm not really sure what to write anymore


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