Chapter 15

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Toga slowly got up and went to slide past Hawks. He didn't move, but she knew he was still watching her. She passed him, and ran as fast as she could. Almost there. Almost there. Almost... She made it out of the alley, and kept going until she was in the hotel. She turned and looked behind her. Hawks wasn't there. She turned to looked at the clock in the lobby. 7:30!? Damn! We were out there for a while!! It's been almost 3 hours! Was it really that slow? That guy was in agony. Toga paused, the events that had just transpired were still sorting themselves out in her head. She stood, completely lost in thought. She didn't snap back into reality until she felt something soft brush past her face. She jumped and turned, her hand on a small knife resting against her thigh. "Hey. You should clean yourself up. You have some blood on you." Toga blinked. Hawks stood in front of her. His usual flashy, comforting smile was back. He...was back. His wings wrapped around the two of them, so no one could see the blonde girl stained with blood and gunk from the alley. "You should take a shower." Toga nodded and they went upstairs to Hawks's room, where she slipped into the shower while Hawks got her a set of clothes. After about an hour, Toga still hadn't left the shower, so he went to bring them into the bathroom. As he got to the door, he hesitated. She saw me break someone, literally. She saw you when you really let go. What would she think of you? What do we do now? (Do understand that while all of this was going through his head and bringing him to the brink of a meltdown, Toga was in the shower occupied by two things: One, the blood had dried as was being a pain in the ass to scrub off. Two, she was thinking of how she needs to stop zoning out these days as surprises aren't her thing. Anyways, back to the point...) Hawks shook his head and knocked on the door. "Come on in. I'm still in the shower." She sounded irritated. He opened the door, and blushed... hard. "Toga. The curtain is there for a reason." He looked down at the floor, pulling his wing around to cover his eyes. (Now, before you start wondering, yes, Toga was in the shower, but she hadn't cared to close the shower curtain, so she was completely visible to anyone who entered the bathroom.) "Sorry bout that. Spent too much time around guys who don't knock, like ever. I've gotten used to doing this so they learn. Didn't click when you knocked." She wasn't fazed, and she didn't move to close the shower curtain. She was fixated on a spot of blood on her chest that refused to go away. "Here are your clothes." Hawks placed them on the sink. "Wait." Hawks dreaded that word right now. He knew what was coming. He finished putting them down and turned. Toga was now out of the shower and standing completely naked in the middle of his bathroom. "Look at me." Toga smiled softly as Hawks slowly met her gaze. "Sit. We need to talk." The chirp in her voice was gone. It was replaced with a more mature sound. It seemed wrong coming from her. Hawks sat down by the shower and waited. Toga got dressed (she didn't care to leave the room, so Hawks got a full view of everything. Oof... He also started wondering how much of that knocking issue from before was true, or if she just didn't care in general as to who saw her naked...) She turned to him and sat down in front of the sink, facing him. "So lemme tell you how this whole 'bring the building down' thing is gonna work." Hawks was surprised. "O-okay." He stuttered. Toga smiled. "We might have a slight hitch in our plan, but we'll get to that later. First. This thing is going down at 11:00 this evening. Don't take ANYTHING with you. If they find some of your stuff is gone, suspicion's gonna skyrocket for both you and us, even more than necessary. And when I say nothing goes with you I mean nothing. Not even that photo of you and Dabi as kids." Hawks shook his head. "That comes with. It's important." Toga smiled again. "It's for a more emotional response from your hero friends. The longer we can keep them caught up in their misery, the longer we'll have before they plan an attack again. Now we might get a few solo or group attacks, but if it's from misery, like we're hoping, it'll be clumsy, so we'll have no problems getting rid of them. Anyways, I'm rambling. The point is, the photo is gonna add in more of an emotional issue. Plus, you got the real thing now so why keep the photo?" Hawks paused, thinking everything over. But that photo it of when we were kids. It's important to me. "Hey. It's okay. We all had to give up something or lose something because of our decisions." Toga smiled. She's a mind reader dude! Hawks thought. "Dabi ran from home, left his whole family behind. Because of his quirk, he has scars all over his body. He had to staple the skin to him to keep it from falling off. Shigaraki accidentally killed his entire family 'cause of his quirk. Twice doesn't know if he's the real him or a clone of himself, so his mind is literally tearing itself apart. And I..." She paused for a moment, then shook her head. "Anyways, everyone has their own things they had to or now have to leave behind. At least you have Dabi. Something tells me he's not gonna be going anywhere for a while." Hawks looked curiously at her. "What happened to you?" Toga, for the first time he'd seen her do so, looked down at her hands. She was quiet for a moment, then spoke. "My family sent me to a hospital when my quirk manifested. They suppressed my instincts so I never learned to control it. It's not fun constantly wanting to take blood and having to suppress it. I threw up when we got here cause I'd been suppressing myself for too long and got sick." She looked back up and Hawks, smiling weakly. "Anyways," she chirped, "enough about that. The point is, leave everything here and follow me when this thing starts. Don't leave my side. Okay?" Hawks nodded, then remembered something important. "You said there was a small hitch. What was it?" Toga sighed. "Your Hanahaki disease was cured. So we need to find a way to spill your blood where we need it. We would've been fine using just sine random dead person's blood but DNA tests would be an issue. You're gonna need to cut yourself somewhere to draw blood, or Dabi can burn you or something. Anyways, we need your blood. I can't do it cause my instincts are gonna kick in, and I don't have much space left in my packs. Mixing isn't an option." Hawks didn't like the idea of cutting himself, but he didn't want Dabi doing it either. "I'll cut my wing or something. We'll be fine. Just stick with the plan, right?" Hawks suggested. Toga smiled wider and nodded. "Then there we have it. Our plan." Hawks grunted as he rose. Toga jumped up and they both left the bathroom. "It's 9:15 now. We have time before Dabi gets back at 10:30. What do you want to do?" Toga beamed at Hawks as he turned to face her. "Could we bring some people along with us. F- for me." He looked on sheepishly. Toga bared her teeth. "Of course." There's no need to tell him that was already the plan. Toga smiled. "And one thing." Hawks met her gaze. Her eyes gleamed. "Dabi's gotta see that. It was... interesting to say the least watching you break that man." Hawks tensed up, and he felt a hand grab his arm, pull down, and gently settle on his face. "Don't worry. He's not gonna feel any different about you. If anything, he'll be happy you're showing him how much you've been struggling to keep this a secret. He'll want to help you. And if it's any different then that, I'll kick his ass. Deal?" Hawks smiled and felt himself relax. Alright. He knew Toga understood as she moved her hands away. They left the room, and Toga grabbed the knife from her thigh and slipped it under her sleeve. She turned and stuck her hand out, giggling as Hawks grabbed it. "Let's go hunting. Shall we?"

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