Chapter 17 (Remake)

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A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while. A LOT has been happening. Soo... as y'all know, I added in a new character. I don't really know why, I just really like Toga's character and wanted to include someone or something that gave her some extra need in the story other than Hawks and Dabi. After adding her in, I didn't know what to do with her, so I asked some readers. This girl will continue to be in the story, and it will be an OC of one of the readers. (Read chapter 16 comments for more information) She will tie Toga and Hawks together and basically do anything else I'd think would work with her character outline. This means she won't really be going outside much and won't be leaving Toga's and/or Hawks' side too much. One last thing, her quirk doesn't manifest until rather late in her life. (In my storyline, everyone gets their quirks at 4) She is 12 in the story. Anyways... enough of that. Let's see how our new character ended up in this... amusing situation.

"Mom?" The girl stumbled about the dark room. She felt something on her back. Her hands were covered in something sticky. "MOM!!" The girl cried. "Kyoko! What's going on? Where's your father?" Kyoko's mother's voice called out. Suddenly, a light turned on and the girl could see. She screamed. She ran to the mirror. Grey wings sprouted from her back and blood caked her hands. A deep gash ran down the side of her face. Glass was everywhere. She looked down at the ground and followed the trail of blood to a darker part of the room. "Kyoko what's-" The mother gasped as she walked into the room, looking at the bloody, glass pierced body of her husband. She turned to her daughter in a panic. "Y-you- what happened!?" She shrieked as she turned to face Kyoko. Tears had started falling as she turned. "I- I...a quirk... I-it... him a-away...he... I-it w-was...a-accident." Kyoko started to sob as her mother called the police.

*end of flashback*

~one month later skip brought to you by tired and lazy author~

BEEP BEEP BEEP!! Kyoko plucked the alarm off the bedside table and sat up, stretching her wings as she stood and got dressed. She'd gotten very little sleep since the night of her father's death a month earlier. Don't think about that. She shook her head and grabbed her usual black shirt and sweatpants. "Kyoko!!" Her mom's voice rang out from downstairs. "Coming ma!!" She shuffled down the stairs to the living room. It had taken a bit for Kyoko's mom to not freak around her daughter at times. (After all, it's not every day your 12 year old daughter murders your husband.) She was met by two men as she entered the room. They towered over her as she looked up with her usual blank expression. "Have a seat honey." Kyoko's mom sat in the chair by the window, the one she always sat in when something bad was about happen. "What's going on?" Kyoko shifted past the two men and sat on the couch, waiting for an explanation. One of the men spoke. "You have been found guilty for the murder of Kuro Kayastu. You will either come with us to the Hero Public Safety Commission, or be sentenced to 2 years in prison with a chance of probation. Which do you choose?" Kyoko said nothing. She simply looked at her mom. "You're joking. Right?" She watched as her mom shook her head. "They wouldn't believe me. It wasn't your fault. You had no control over it. They wouldn't believe me..." she trailed off. Kyoko didn't move. She turned to the men who waited for a response. Kyoko stared at the floor, then looked blankly at her mom, not expecting anything, but hoping for some sort of response. Nothing. Oh well. Kyoko sighed, her blank eyes shifting to exhaustion. After everything that happened, she wasn't upset at her mom for staying quiet, really. They both knew they couldn't afford a lawyer as well as the funeral, and their family came first (mind you, they had no family members who would lend money or any kind of help despite being perfectly capable of doing so.) Kyoko was simply, sad, disappointed even. After a long silence, Kyoko's mom sighed, turned, and opened the window. "I need some fresh air. Do you men mind giving us a minute?" The two men nodded, but neither left the room. "Let me give you a hug dear." Kyoko walked over to her mom, before being pulled into a warm hug. Something was slid into Kyoko's pocket. Suddenly, she was out the window. "Ah-" Kyoko felt her wings fly out, tearing through the back of her shirt. She looked back at her mom. She was smiling warmly, tears beginning to steam down her face. Kyoko watched the two men grab her mother and pull her away from the window, covering her mouth before she could speak. Sounds of a struggle were audible for a few moments, until a loud BANG drove everything into silence. Kyoko paused for one last second, not seeing anyone exit the house, before nodding and flying off. She flew towards an alleyway, settling down and resting for a minute to catch her thoughts. Once she landed she let her thoughts catch up with the events that occurred. What do I do? I can't go back home. Is mom okay? She's probably fine. The bang might've been from her quirk, since her arsenal is expansive, but then why was she crying? Are the men dead? Kyoko's thoughts raced and she quickly forced them away. Hmmm.... I'll need to find a place to stay, that's first. I can't go back home, so a hotel should be fine. Kyoko winced as her head started to pound. Calm down and think. She took one deep breath after another, until finally she relaxed. She was glad she'd remembered the breathing patterns her mom did when stressed. Kyoko hadn't taken her meds yet and she couldn't afford vomiting at the moment. "Perhaps the Toga girl ma used to talk about could help me." Kyoko recalled the times her mom would talk to her about the kid. Toga sounded interesting, and the fact that she was now a villain made Kyoko really want to meet her. Despite her small and clumsy personality, Kyoko could collect and memorize information better than anyone. "Since she's well known, finding her shouldn't be too hard. The public library would have information on her. Going there might be good too, since there's a lot of people there this time of day. Kyoko flapped her wings, suddenly remembering the something in her pocket. She slipped her hand in and pulled out a small roll of money. Three hundred. This could put me in a hotel for about two to three days. Did she plan on this? Kyoko flapped her wings again, lifting herself into the sky. During the month after her dad's death, she had forced herself to get her wings under control, so she was confident in her flying. She landed two blocks away from the library and walked, ignoring the looks she got as she did. She knew she hadn't put a bra on, but she was flat enough not to have a problem. If anything, due to her more masculine build, she just looked like a little boy with long hair, with bothered her not at all. She walked into the library, headed towards one of their many computers, sat down at one near a garbage can, and typed in 'Toga Himiko'. She scrolled through the pages of information, skimming through what was there, memorizing anything that seemed of any importance. Toga's location was unknown, to Kyoko's dissatisfaction. She quickly skimmed through Toga's backstory, stopping when she saw her mother's name. "Mira Himiko remarried soon after Toga was sent to a hospital due to pressure from the media. Little is known about her now." Kyoko felt surprised. She figured Toga and her mom were close, but Kyoko hadn't expected this. As she continued scrolling, seeing if she could get more information, she suddenly got a feeling she was being watched. She cleared the computer's history, and shut it down. She stood and headed out the door. Heading towards areas she could be cornered wouldn't work, so as soon as she was outside she clapped her wings and flew onto the library's roof. She looked down and watched three men run outside, clearly looking for her. She sat there, watching, until they left, then flew down and started towards the downtown area, where hotels and casinos lined the streets. She saw a two story hotel and started towards it. It didn't look as extravagant as the others, so she assumed it wouldn't be too expensive. "Reservation or booking?" The lady at the front desk smiled as Kyoko walked in. "How much a night?" The woman smiled wider. "$75 a night, $150 for VIP areas." Kyoko smiled. "Can I book a VIP room for tonight?" The woman seemed surprised for a moment, then nodded. "$150 please." Kyoko handed her the money and the woman handed her a key. "Your room is upstairs on the right. Take the elevator and it'll be fifth from the end of the hall. Enjoy your stay." Kyoko nodded and turned, heading towards the elevator and heading up to the second floor. She entered her room and walked over to the bed, plopping down and looking around. The room was big, and the kitchen seemed nice. She headed to the bathroom and showered, feeling sticky and unpleasant from the stress of the day. The warm water seemed to drag everything away, and Kyoko felt exhausted when she stepped out. She grabbed a shirt from the dresser that stood next to the bed, washed her pants, waited for them to dry, and grabbed something to eat. She couldn't take any medication, so she felt extremely nauseous. When her pants were clean and dry, she placed them in a chair and went to bed. It was 10:30am. "It's been a wonderful morning." Kyoko muttered before dosing. She slept comfortably for the first time in at least two weeks. When she woke up, it was dark and she felt her self being lifted and carried out of the room. She panicked for a few seconds, forcing herself to breathe and relax as what she thought were feathers dug into her skin. She knew the feathers weren't hers, and figured that whoever was holding her didn't mean much harm for now, as the feathers quickly relaxed around her and a man's voice said, "Calm down kid. It would be unfortunate if I lost control due to you panicking. Just stay still and you'll be fine." Kyoko did as she was told and eventually felt wind blowing past her toes. She was outside. After a few minutes, she felt herself being placed down on cold concrete. Kyoko looked down, seeing that she hadn't put her pants back on before heading to bed. At least they're clean, but now my underwear's not. Today's just my lucky day. She looked around and saw she was in an alleyway, and four others looked at her in fear. For some reason, the darkness and the looks from the other four caused the stress from Kyoko's morning to return with a vengeance, and she sat up and vomited up anything her stomach could bring up. She coughed and gagged, finally settling down and fading into her head to keep herself calm. She imagined herself back at home, talking with her mom. She gave the occasional shriek or squeal when something shook her from her thoughts, and her throat burned from her successful attempts and forcing the vomit down. She remembered her shower, and how the water seemed to pull everything away, and she welcomed the exhaustion that followed. The last thing she remembered were the soft feathers that had brought her to that dark place wrap around her, warming her up and giving way to sleep. When she woke up again, she was in a bar, and Toga was telling her to cover her ears.

A/N: I edited this chapter after a bit because I wasn't feeling confident about it. I hope this sounds better than it did originally and I think her character makes more sense with this. I wanted to still thank Arctic-Split  for letting me use your character and I hope you all enjoy this remake.

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