Chapter 4: A Problem And A Solution

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The next day, Luz went back to the human world. She attended school, again. Like any other normal teenage girl. Today she seemed a little upset, but always hid it with a stupid, goofy grin. The only one who really noticed was Amity Blight, which was no surprise. Little Miss Perfect had her secrets, but this was pretty obvious to others such as Willow and Boscha. Of course, Luz's obliviousness didn't help at all.

It was the first class, Luz's math class. Luckily, Amity was there. The only problem was... Boscha was in almost every class of hers and she didn't even bother to notice until now. Maybe it bothered her that Boscha always tried to control Amity? Maybe it was just a protective thing, for her... 'friend.'

A paper hit the back of Luz's head, as she turned around. Boscha was snickering to one of her classmates, which was in her gang. Amity glanced up from her paper, looking between Boscha and Luz. Luz would grumble quietly, then looked at Amity, which sat behind her. Luz gave her a goofy smile, as Amity chuckled slightly. Amity's cheeks were tainted a light pink color, as she looked at her paper to cover her blush. Luz turned back around, writing something. She then passed a paper back to Amity. Amity looked at the paper, reading it.

'How about later on, we go solve more of your problems, yeah?'

Amity smiled softly, looking back up at Luz. She nodded to her, as they went back to working on the worksheet on their desks. This math work was pretty... annoying and stressful. Both hoped the class would be over soon, and they wouldn't have to deal with Boscha's glares. It felt like forever, until the bell rang. Every student got up and went into the hallways to go to their next class.

Before Amity and Luz could go anywhere, there Boscha's gang was. Standing in their way, blocking the hallway. Luz sighed, looking at Boscha. "Can you please leave us alone, we don't want any trouble." Amity stood by Luz, looking at Boscha. Boscha laughed, looking at the two. "Leave you alone? Why would I do that?" Luz frowned, folding her arms to her chest. "Because deep down you're a good person and you don't want to keep doing this. You just want to be liked and not feared all the time and that isn't working, so you continue using fear when you don't have to." Boscha blinked, nervously looking at her gang members. "Pshh, the nerd's not worth my time. Her words are boring me..."

After Boscha and her gang had left, Luz and Amity continued attending their classes. Amity told Luz all of her problems, which Luz gladly listened to. She didn't have many, which was good. The only few problems she really had was...


Her Parents

Finding Friends

Her last problem, sleep paralysis. It always creeped her out.. So it made sense why she wanted to get rid of it. Of course, Luz promised to help her solve all of the problems as much as possible. Amity, being quite confused as to how Luz could even do so, questioned her about it frequently. Of course, Luz replied with stupid answers.

"How are you gonna make Boscha nice?"


"What about my parents?"

"Mmm... I'll talk to them!"

"How am I gonna get friends? Come on, people hate me!"

"Nah, you're pretty cool. I'm sure they'll give you a chance!"

"And my sleep paralysis?"

Luz never answered that last question, she always just shrugged her shoulders. She always had that stressed, worried look when Amity asked that question. Amity always wondered why Luz never answered, and why she always had that look. Of course, Luz always changed the subject by saying a joke or something stupid. Why, why did Luz never have an answer for that?

Hope you enjoyed it, I had time to write this!

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