A What?!

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When she explained everything, my brain did a brain fart thing and it took a fat minute for my mind to process everything.

And lemme tell you, I was never meant to become be just a human. And to my very surprise, there are many other supernatural beings living in the world. Just in hiding.

Okay let me catch you and my slow ass brain here.

Serifia said that I was never a human. Meaning that I have been 'asleep' for the past seventeen years. My powers have been asleep for my entire life, everything real about me has been asleep. And I am just know figuring this out. She also told me that my father knew and he was trying to protect me. Turns out I got the dominant gene of it all.

Great. Just what I need right, first a drunk of a mother, and now a supernatural father who didn't tell me shit. What could get any worse?

"And before I forget, Maricella, you are going to have to train. And what I mean by that I am going to personally train you, so that you can get a better grip on your powers. Now do you want this or not? The decision is yours, you say yes, training starts in about a week human time and you'll be able to have time getting used to your powers. If you say no, then you forget all this and your day will restart and that argument that you had with your mother will never have happened." Well that last part stopped me.

"Um, you knew of that?" Again being dumbfounded, I idiotically scratched the top of my head with one finger. I gave a perplexed and confused face and looked around seeing if something in the beautiful, crazy, and bright place said something. Or at least gave off a sign that I had a fight with my egg-donor.

"Ah, sorry about that, I guess that it slipped my mind. We, meaning our kind, can read minds and communicate through telepathy. And a slight bit of mind control on those who have the weakest mind." Serifia looked extremely uncomfortable when saying that. She had a hand rubbing the back of her tealish slender neck, looking downcast.


My eyes were a new definition of bug-eyed. My eyes as big as the moon at its fullest point.

"Um. What?" I profusely blinked until my eyes hurt from the constant moving. I ran my hand through my black curls on infinite softness that I can confuse as oily. I need a shower. Bad.

"Well you see, there is only one person in the entire universe of worlds that no matter how hard you try, you can't get into their head. And that person is considered your mate. You won't know them at first sight smell or even if it is the smallest touch, not like werewolves. You have to build a connection first. A strong one." She kept on explaining. Right when she said mate that's when my heart stopped.

Hold up I just had a thought.

"You said that I can't read my mates mind right?" She nodded slowly, not quite getting what I'm aiming for, "What I am saying is that what if I find my mate by not being able to read his mind?" I finished my train of thought, and I watched as the realization slowly dawned on her pretty features.

"Huh, never thought of it like that way." She sounded thoughtful in a way that I couldn't understand for some reason. Just the way Serifia did somethings looked like it was highly impossible for a human to even do, as odd as that sounds.

"Okay." I was wanting to do this, I wanted to be out of the norm. I want to the best as I can be.

"Explain, okay on the whole mate thing? Or okay on the whole become what you are born as, but your body was practically asleep for your entire life?" She asked in a confused tone and tilted her head to the left in a slight. Looking like a teal, humanized slash beautiful alien German shepherd.

"Okay on both parts." I specified.

She smiled and did a slight nod to the head. I was just now noticing that her canines her to a slight sharp point. I smiled in return and looked around again and something was just now dawning on me. She didn't quite tell me what we are.

Just as I was about to open my mouth to ask, she beat me to it.

"We are a mix of things really, we get our shifting from both shifters and werewolves, that's how we get our inner animal. We are a mix of all the supernaturals that both exist and that were extinct. We, young child, are what some would call Angels of Night. Also known as Nyghts. With a 'y'."

A what now? As in N-y-g-h-t-s? That's kind of cool.

"So, how do we start this?" I asked. She simply smiled

Atta girl.

Was all I heard before she leaned down and kissed my forehead. And the last thought that I had before darkness overcame me was, This changes everything.

Hi ya guys!!! I hope that this is coming off as a strong start and y'all are liking it as much as I hope that y'all are. Again, if there are any errors, please comment and let me know, I'm open to criticism.

As always, I love you my nightmares.

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