Foolish Goal

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To the man, I used to Love,

I Just Want To say, Thank You For All the efforts that You made ...

But, I Know I'm Not worth it for Your Love ...

I Used to Demand what you need to do...

I want You to Look Perfect for people...

For I always Hears that you always downgrade yourself for the sake of that shit...

Again, I become clueless that I already Hurt you in The way through...

I don't support you, that you wish I could...

It was so stupid of me...

It was because I want you to show Your extent Limit and give your best shot

I became so careless of not taking care of you, that I already losing you

All I know, That my love for you, was not healthy anymore...

I just want you To Be happy, content, and fulfill without regrets...

Crazy me, I don't care what people may think Of me...

I know the goal of mine is to make you the best that you can ever be...

For this foolish goal of mine, I loosed you...

I wish you the best, even though I'm not part of it anymore...

I wish for the girl that supports you in your best, not in your worse...

So This my goodbye my love...

Unspoken WordsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon