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We Fell in Love in October~Girl in Red


No ones POV October 2007

It was a Fall evening in October.

Sasha and Becky taking a walk in the park holding hands.

They had just left school and decided to hangout.

Becky and Sasha were best friends.They've known each other since the 2nd grade. They are very, very close. They tell each other everything....except the feeling they have towards each other.

"You wanna sleep over at my house tonight?" Sasha questioned, as they came to a pause.

"Yea, why not." Becky responded with a shrug, as they began walking again.

The time was now 6:30 pm. Sasha's house was only a 10 minute walk, so they were in no rush to get there before sundown.

They walked in they park for about 5 more minutes. Enjoying the falling leaves and admiring there different colors.

"We should head to your house now." Becky said looking at the time on her phone. Sasha nodded in agreement , and so they started their walked towards the blue-haired teens house.

Once they got there, they were greeted by Sasha's Mom. "Hello girls how was school?" She asked walking up to them.

"Good." They responded simultaneously as they hugged Sasha's mother, then made way up the stairs to Sasha's room.

They made their way into the room and closed the door behind them.

"Wanna watch the sunset in the roof?" Sasha questioned the red head whom was now sitting on Sasha's bed.

Becky quickly agreed. She had always loved watching the sun go down over the horizon. It was one of the most beautiful things she has ever seen.

Sasha opened her window and they both climb out.

They were talking, joking and making fun of each other.

Becky bought out a pack of cigarettes and Sasha bought out a lighter. Now, they weren't heavy smokers or addicted to them. They smoke only every once in a while. They only did it for fun though.

The lit the cigarettes and watched the sun disappear by the minute.

Sasha looked away from the scene looking at Becky. Admiring how her beautiful orange straightened hair blew in the wind. How her eyes hazel/greenish eyes sparkled in the sun light. And how soft Becky's lips looked.

"I can feel you staring." Becky said out of nowhere almost scaring Sasha, catching her off guard.

"I was not staring." Sasha said in defense.

"Yea okay." Becky laughed.

That Sun was down. Night had come. All you could see now was the full moon and the sparkling stars above.

The two teens were now laying down on the roof top.

Sasha loved watching the sunset, but loved star gazing even more. She loved to constellations and the different shapes and sizes of each one.

Becky was now the one staring at Sasha. Admiring her smile. Her cute little dimples. Her brown eyes sparkling in the moonlight. Full of wonder and curiosity.

Sasha turned her head towards Becky.
"What?" she questioned.

"Nothing." Becky said as she turned her attention back to the stars above them.

"Can I tell you something?" Becky asked as she sat up, Sasha following.

"You can tell me anything, you know that." Sasha said nudging Becky's arm.

"I think I'm in love with someone." Becky said very quietly but loud enough for Sasha to hear.

"Oh really?" "Who is he?" Sasha questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"It's not a he." Becky said looking away from Sasha. "Oh, well who is SHE?" "Do I know her?" She questioned putting a hand on Becky's knee.

"You definitely know her." Becky chuckled, looking down at her fidgeting fingers.

"Tell me her she is." Sasha said.

"You." Becky said as she turned to see shocked Sasha.

"Me?" Sasha asked pointing to herself. Becky laughed.

"Yes you." Becky said looking at Sasha.

"And I know you might not feel the same way but..." Becky was interrupted.

"I'm in love with you too." Sasha said looking in Becky's direction.

They just sat there. Staring into each other's eyes. All you could here were crickets, traffic in the distance, and the soft night breeze.

Becky placed her hand on Sasha's cheek, while Sasha placed her hand on Becky's neck, as they both leaned in.

The kiss was passionate, slow, gentle. It was sweet.

When they pulled away for air, they both just smiled at each other in silence.

The silence was soon broken by Sasha's mother.

"Girls! Get ready for bed. Y'all have school tomorrow!" They heard her yell from inside the house.

"Let's go." Becky said as she grabbed Sasha's hand and led her back through the window into Sasha's bedroom...

October 2010
Sasha's POV
"Do you know why I love fall?" I asked Becky who was laying in bed next to me.

"No, why?" She questioned laying on her side, so that she could face me.

"Because We Fell in Love in October." I said laying down facing her...


Okay it's over...
Bye 😗

I'm not proof reading-😐

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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