'What ifs?'

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A/N: This is my first time writing about Twilight. So please be nice! Fan art from google. 😊💕
"Would you still love me if I, was old and gray?"
"If I were grouchy and unpleasant ?"
"As opposed to how stubborn you are now?"
"Answer the question."
With a death glare she stood her ground. 
"Yes, I would still love you."
"If I smelled different?"
"You'll always be my Bella. No matter what."
At that she smiled.
"If I stayed this short forever, and never grew an inch?"
"Your height doesn't matter."
"If I were to still be clumsy and accident prone?"
"I will protect you always."
"Hmm... you're making this hard."
"Then stop with the nonsense. You can do whatever you want and it would not make a difference to how much I love you."
She cuddled more into him.
"Ooh! I got one!"
"What now?"
"If I were to want to be a part of the werewolf pack?"
He had to really think about how to word his thoughts.
"If you decided you didn't want me, I would accept your decision.  Although, werewolves aren't good company. If you were to date Jacob...well..."
"Well what?"
"I'd have to murder him."
"Huh. Not what I was expecting you to say."
"Are you disappointed?"
"By your lack of losing your temper? Yes. I thought I'd cracked you."
"And I live only to annoy you to no end."
"Here I thought it was because I was good company? And my bubbly personality. Darn! I'd have to rethink my tactics."
He couldn't help but laugh.
"Isabella Swan, you're the most remarkable person I've ever known."
"Glad I amuse you."
He hugged her closer to him. Inhaling her sweet scent.
"I'll never be not bored with you."
"We'll have that to look forward to."
"I still wish that you would wait."
Gathering a piece of her hair, he wrapped it around his finger. Feeling how soft and silky it was.
"I don't want to wait any longer. I'm already a year older than you."
"Age doesn't matter to me."
"It does to me."
"You're impossible. I don't know why I can't seem to say no to you?"
"I'm just really good at compromise."
"That has to be it." He leaned in ever so carefully. Kissing her softly.
"I think I could get used to this."
She gestured to him and her kissing.
"Me too."
Continuing to kiss, he was easing up to the thought of staying like this forever...
"And..." He put his finger on her lips. Stilling whatever sentence she was going to say.
"Bella, it doesn't matter what you do or say. I'm going to love you for as long as you let me."
"Good answer."
And with that she stayed huddled next to him while she slept and he stayed to protect her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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