Chapter 13: The One She Left Behind

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A piercing cry resounded inside a dimly-lit bedroom making two adults groan from their sleep. They sluggishly got up, seemingly dragging their leaden body to move but the glint in their eyes showed alertness as they tried to pacify the wailing infant lying between the two of them. The taller of the couple immediately reached for the switch to open the lights to illuminate the place better, shortly revealing their baby's puffy face flushed from the crying.

"Saku-chan, do you think she's hungry?" Chaeyeon stifled a yawn while her hand reached for her child, adjusting the beanie on Wonyoung's small head.

Honestly, it hasn't even been an hour since they started sleeping but it seems like they'll need to rest later instead and shower their little angel attention for now. The couple's worried gaze never left their child. Although the bags under their eyes have been getting worse these past few days, it didn't stop them from pushing themselves just to care for Wonyoung. They knew it was their duty to nurse her and albeit draining, the sight of their child energizes them to the fullest — well, psychologically and emotionally at least.

"I guess she needs food." Sakura muttered her agreement affectionately as she decided to cradle Wonyoung who was still securely wrapped in her pink unicorn-patterned blanket.

The newborn almost immediately stopped crying the moment Sakura carried her as if she knew that she's about to be fed by her mother.

"Look at this. Such a mama's girl that you are." Chaeyeon chuckled but ended up yelping when she felt Sakura's grip on her arm the moment Wonyoung latched on her.

"S-sorry, babe. It just hurts so much right now." Sakura bit her lower lip as she tried to bear the physical pain of feeding Wonyoung with her lesser sore side. It was a given that her body is still not used to it even after a week or two of giving birth but that doesn't mean it'll be like that until Wonyoung stops feeding on her. She was aware that it would take a few more days till the pain gets away and of course, she's willing to tolerate absolutely everything she has to go through just for her daughter.

Chaeyeon laughed wryly. "Thankfully, my wrist is fully healed." She smiled as she laced their hands together to let Sakura take out the discomfort she was feeling on her by gripping her hand instead.

It was way better than just looking at her lover who's enduring the pain alone with tears on the brink of rolling down her cheeks. At least the older feels the comfort from her hand. She remembers that one certain night during Sakura's pregnancy — when she told her that holding her hand felt like it completed something that was missing in her, that it was as if her heart was wrapped by a warm blanket. From that moment onwards, the younger would sometimes find herself lonely too, especially when their hands didn't intertwine at least once a day. In times when she had to attend an important meeting and not meet Sakura for more than twenty-four hours due to an important schedule at work, she would miss her presence and become a 'sadistic emo bitch who hates the world' — as per Nako's words. She'd make their company's workers whimper in submission when she starts asking for things to get done double-time. It was done just so she could meet Sakura as soon as possible, however, and her workers knew that they would be paid double during that same day too so they would do their best to reach the goal for those days. In short, a win-win situation.

Chaeyeon was brought back to reality when she felt Sakura's strong grip once again. She decided to gently bring the back of Sakura's hand to her lips while locking eyes with her as she gave her her sweetest smile, sleepiness long gone. Her action painted the cheeks of her lover a rosy hue.

"Say, Chaeyeon..." Sakura muttered softly.

"Hmm?" She hummed as she rubbed circles on her lover's skin with her thumb.

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