Battle of the Trident.

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283 ACLocation King's Landing

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283 AC
Location King's Landing

Cerelle's POV

"Are you okay?" asks Jamie and immediately regrets asking that when his sister gives a look.

Cerelle smiles at her younger brother all of 17 name days old and already becoming a fine young man and knight, but still not the smartest Lannister it seemed "No it's okay you are young I expect stupid questions from you" Cerelle says with a smirk.

It's Jamie's turn now and he wanted to say something smartassy but became sad thinking of all that is going on and asks the person who always made him feel better "What is going to happen to you? To me? To Cersei, To Tyrion, To our Father? Father has not yet raised his banners for house Targaryen, What is the King going to do?" Jamie completed his line of questions with tears briming in his eyes.

"Seven hells Jamie take a breath will you, nothing is going to happen to me the King is not going to kill me, my children will live, so will you and so will Tyrion, Cersei, and Father" Cerelle completed her rant.

Jamie noticed how neither of them mentioned the crown prince or his brother, Jamie was about to say something but just then a knock came at the door.
After the two knocks the door opened to reveal Rhaegar Targaryen, Jamie didn't know to relax his sword or stay on guard.

A hand and his sister's soft voice calls him back to her and asks him to relax.

Cerelle starts walking towards the door where Rhaegar stood still until Cerelle had started walking.

Rhaegar enters and the room properly now and goes to embrace his sister by law and she smiles up at him and suddenly her face changes and the sound of a hand hitting the face echoes in the room.

Rhaegar looks behind Cerelle Lannister Targaryen and Ser Jamie Lannister is just as shocked as him at that moment.

Daereon's POV

"Oh, brilliant you two have met," Daereon says trying to contain his laughter.

"What the Fuck were you thinking Rhaegar? Do you realize you put everyone life's in danger, for months we didn't know if you were dead or alive and now after almost a year you come here with a fucking grin on your face thinking I am just going to hug you and all will be forgiven" screamed Cerelle clearly frustrated by the whole situation.

Rhaegar's POV

Rhaegar was about to say something and explain why he did all that he did but then he heard the voice he had missed so much his adorable little niece.

Almost two name days old her 3rd name day getting closer she ran in her short chubby legs towards Rhaegar or as she called him her 'unka Rega', Rhaegar smiled but noticed she was running a little too fast as fast a little child could run and she reached Rhaegar's she crashed into his legs and fell on her butt.

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