SkekSil reunited with Savy

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Back at the lab, SkekTek is pulling the arrows out of SkekMal while Tigs covered Tops's eyes*

Zanobia- (Appalled) Aw man. That looks awful.

SkekTek: The subject suffers from the arrows, extreme distress to the humorous.

Malikai: Is he going to be fine though?

SkekTek- He's too injured. I hate to say this but, there's a possible chance that he could die.

They are freaked out*

SkekAyuk: No no! What could have done this!?

SkekTek- Who knows?

SkekLach: Isn't it obvious?! Gelfling and toons! *as they scream* I feel ill!

SkekEkt: But toons and gelfling couldn't done this, not to the skeksis, not to the strongest!

SkekOk: Well anyone one of us, could be next!

SkekSo- Nonsense! In this castle, we are safe.

Zanobia then goes over to the cage and pulls of the cover to reveal Savy.

Zanobia- Well, well, well. What do we have here?

Savy was scared*

SkekOk: What is it? *looks at Savy* Oh look, SkekSil, there's someone who wants to see you.

SkekSil smirked as he lets out his trademark whimper before he approaches her.

SkekSil- Hello, my dear.

Savy: Oh no. Get away from me you monster!

SkekSil- (Warningly) Careful Princess Savy. I wouldn't talk if I were you.

Savy growls: I won't marry you, I found someone else better than you! His name is Smarty weasel, leader of the Toon patrol!

SkekSil- Is that so?

Savy is angry: And he is not evil like you, you murderer!

Zanobia- You know if you were smart enough, you better marry SkekSil.

Savy: Or else what you rats and vultures?

Tigs gasped: Dang she's fiesty like her mother.

Zanobia offended, glares daggers at her.

Zanobia- Oh you're one to talk little Miss Stubborn! I'll show you Who's the rat! Come here!

Zanobia goes to pounce on her but Jason holds her back.

Zanobia- Let me go! Let me go! I'ma teach this stuck up princess to mind her own manners!

SkekSo looks at SkekSil: Chamberlain tell her what happens if she refused to marry you.

SkekSil smirks.

SkekSil- If she doesn't...Then , we'll drain all of the toons and gelfling. Starting with your "Smart Guy" and friends.

Savy was scared: No, please don't hurt them! ):>

SkekSo- So... What will it be then, Princess?

Savy was sad: Okay okay, I'll marry you, just don't hurt them. );

SkekSil went to Savy to kiss her*

SkekSil kisses Savy on the lips

Savy tries not to resist the kiss*

Malikai: Tigs, Tops, put her in a cage until we figure out a way to heal SkekMal.

Tigs: Yes Big brother. *as the two put Savy in a cell and locked it and head back to the others*

Seladon: The skeksis gave us everything.

Savy sees Seladon: Seladon? Your alright?

Seladon- No. I am NOT alright. This is all your fault!

Savy: Why is it my fault?! Look what the skeksis are doing to the gelfling!

Seladon: Your parents shouldn't made a deal with the skeksis, save the lives of many, by sacrificing a few.

Savy: Sacrificing a few, and who decides who lives and who dies?! You?!

Seladon- Yes! I tried to bring order and peace to them! Unlike you who's only spoiled and doesn't care of her responsibilities that were given to her only to be thrown away.

Savy: Ugh, if my mom and dad can see you...

Seladon: Your parents are dead! As I will be, all thanks to you.

Savy was sad*

Tavra mind controlled walks in: Pathetic.

Seladon- Tavra!

Savy: Tavra my friend you're alive!

Seladon: You must save us sister!

Tavra and gelflings: We are not your sister, we are the ascendency.

The girls looked confused.

Seladon- What?

Tavra looks at Savy: Better be prepared for your wedding.

Savy is scared*

SkekTek is giving SkekMal the last bottle of essence*

SkekSo- This has better work, Scientist.

Malikai: SkekTek, he's not healing. We need to give him more essence!

SkekTek- Then bring some of the gelfling in here and I'll get him more essence!

Tops: We're doomed, doomed! DOOOOOMED!

Malikai: Calm down Tops, okay, look! We have a wedding to do, SkekTek, SkekSo, you and I shall stay here to help SkekMal be back to life. *looks at the others* The rest of you set up SkekSil's wedding now, we have not a moment to lose!

Zanobia- You got it.

Everyone else leaves the room in order to prepare for the wedding.

The little spider leaves with Aughra's eyeball*

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