9. Fight before breakfast

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Together the two lizards ran into the tunnel. Beans grabbed for an oil lamp which hung at the entrance of the cave and walked forward with fast steps. She knew the tunnels like her home so that Beans had a guess where Bill could be. They followed the tunnel until they reached a wooden door.
"He could be here," she said and grabbed the door handle.
It wasn't blockaded and they entered a cold, stuffy room. It wasn't difficult with the oil lamp and they saw the Gila monster lying on the floor. Still tied and motionless.
Rango was a little relieved, but also a little worried. It was many hours ago when he found him in front of the town.
But the Gila monster didn't reply to his question.
Both lizards kneeled down and rolled the bigger lizard around, because he was laying on the side. Beans held the lamp higher to get an overview about the state of the Gila monster.
Rango's eyes fell at the unprofessional treated injuries on the belly and leg. Carefully, he removed the bandages which had filled with old blood.
"Geez," Beans muttered and held the lamp more down. "It doesn't look good."
"I see," Rango admitted and touched around the wounds.
Suddenly Bill wailed a weak moan and blinked.
Rango bent forward and tapped his cheeks. "Hey, can you hear... ouch!"
The push of Bill's shoulder let Rango froze.
"You - are - the last face - what I wanna see," Bill panted weakly.
Rango narrowed his eyes and rubbed his ribs. "Hello to you, too."
Both lizards stood up when the Gila monster began to move, again without success to free himself from the shackles.
Suddenly Beans walked forwards and braced her feet against the Gila monster's chest.
"Listen, William! I didn't blow up my father's work place for nothing, just to get out a fat idiot like you!" She held the lamp directly in his face and Bill had to close his eyes dazzled by the light. "And if you don't behave, I have no problems to let you here to have a problem less. Do you get it?!"
Normally Bill had answered with a casual patter, but he was too weak and filled with pain and for this reason he just nodded than to disagree.
"I'm happy to hear that." Beans loosened her pressure and released the lizard again.
Bill meanwhile had leaned himself against the wall with effort and panted heavily.
Rango gave Beans a sign. "Help me to loosen his bonds."
Beans found a sharp tool, with that it was possible to cut through the cords around Bill's hands and legs.
"Alright," Rango said and touched Bill's shoulders. "Bend forward."
Bill hated his helpless situation. Especially if that chameleon dictated to do what he said, but he had no other choice. With pressed lips he leaned over so that Beans could reach the hand shackles. Rango propped up the heavy upper body and felt how Bill trembled.
It wasn't easy for Beans to cut through the ropes, because they were tied together very tight.
Bill muttered some cursing words when the rope loosened. He gasped for air when he could lean back and Beans continued with his tied legs.
After the releasing Bill closed his eyes and enjoyed the regained freedom. At least around him.
"Do you have pain?" Rango asked.
Bill hissed angrily. "Do I look so? Ahhhhh! Stop it!"
Beans took back her hands from Bill's wound. "Sorry for this. But at least the strong bleeding stopped, but I guess you lost a lot of blood."
"Be my nurse and you win a prize," Bill panted sarcastically. "Hell! Do you wanna let me here or do you wanna...?"
"Bill!" Beans warned.
The Gila monster gasped for air and held the belly. "Damn!"
"It's okay," Rango said and kneeled next to him to calm him down. "Don't worry. We will bring you to Doc."
"Rango." Beans kneeled beside him and touched his shoulder. "Rango, a doctor will be not enough. He needs a hospital."
"We have none."
"There is a one several miles away," she said. "But I don't think he can ride the whole way."
For the first time Rango saw lines of worry on her forehead. Of course, she had no sympathy for Bill, but it wasn't a fair fight while he was lying there almost dead.
Rango rubbed his forehead. "We need a cart."
"How should we get it?"
Rango sighed. "Could you?"
Beans distorted her mouth. Suddenly Bill grabbed her arm, but not in an aggressive way. She could see his face and his pressure with his hand, gave her the feeling of a pleading sign.
The female lizard avoided his glance. "Alright. I will do."
At the same moment she jumped up. "Damn, we have to hurry! They could come back soon!"
"Alright, do you think you can stand up?" Rango asked.
Bill took a deep breath. "I - try."
Rango got a worse feeling in his stomach. If Bill didn't protest against an order from him, he must feel really bad. But it couldn't work without Beans and together they managed to heft the big lizard on his shaking feet. Bill had no much force to keep himself on his feet and Rango and Beans could feel how exhausted the Gila monster really was.
"Let's go out."
Together they left the room, but it wasn't fast enough with Bill. Rango became more nervous with every slow step. They could almost be there. But it was impossible to run. Bill had effort to shift from one foot to the other.
When they almost reached the exit, their hearts stopped for a brief moment.
"My, my," a shadow said mockingly. "Does somebody plan to leave our hotel?"
Rango swallowed.
"Stay there if you want to stay healthy. Jim, call the others."
Beans and Rango sighed. They had forgotten the two other bandits who were searching in the tunnel 5.
In Rango's head, there was chaos. What should they do now?
He was ready to use his gun, when shots were hearable outside.
"What the..."
But suddenly a dark huge shadow grabbed the gunman and tugged him outside.
Rango and Beans had no idea what's going on.
And as fast as it began, as fast it stopped.
There was a dead silence in the air.
The lizards gave way their knees almost and decided daring to leave the cave.
Outside, the sun lighted the sky into a dark blue. And in the twilight sat a big silhouette.
All winced, but the familiar shadow kept calm.
The rattlesnake blew over the barrel of his Gatling Gun.
"I didn't it for it," Jake said darkly and pointed his glance at Bill. "It's still a matter between me and you."
"What about the watchman?"
"He is waiting for Saint Peter in heaven," Jake commented and laughed.
"It was just a foretaste for our next meeting. Be ready for it."
"Alright, but not..."
"Not today. But tomorrow, maybe. Be ready."
Rango nodded. "I will be ready."
With that they part ways.
Beans rode with her roadrunner back to her ranch and brought the cart.
Rango remained with Bill and gave him something to drink from time to time.
"Hey, don't fall asleep!" Rango warned and chucked the Gila monster's cheeks. At this moment, Beans arrived.
"At least you are here," Rango said with relief.
"It didn't work faster."
Rango didn't want to discuss. Both had much bother to bring Bill into the cart.
"Bill," Rango pleaded exhausted. "I ask too much from you, but please, put yourself together and help us."
Bill took a deep breath and with last forces he grabbed the wooden boards of the cart and pulled himself up. With loud bounce he let fall himself into the cart ground. And this was the last move what he managed to do. Motionlessly he stayed lying there.
Beans rolled a blanket and put it under his head, another one about his body.
"Alright boy," Rango said cheerfully and gave him a last pat on his arm. "Keep up."
After that, he climbed down and Beans actuated the cart with the peccary.
Rango sat himself on his roadrunner and rode next to them.

A short while later...

"Alright guys," Kinski said. "Let's go!"
With guns in their hands the three outlaws jumped out from behind the rock and waved their guns in all directions.
"Hands up, buddy!"
They aimed their weapons at the man who lay on the ground.
"Are you deaf?" Kinski added and tapped with the barrel on him.
"Uh, Kinski?" Chorizo said. "I think he doesn't live anymore."
"Really?" Kinski checked it out. "Indeed. Ooookay. Let's check the mine."
"At least Bill said that he wanted to go to Beans's mines this night," Stump muttered and together they crossed the tube. When they saw the dead bodies around, Kinski locked his revolver. "I think the party is already over."
With disappointment, they put away their guns.
"And what now?"
Kinski scratched his head. "I guess someone was faster than we."
Chorizo kicked away a stone. "Damn it."
He watched how the stone rolled against one of the bandit corpses. Stump came nearer and took a closer look.
"Hey, does that face look familiar a little?"

It happened in a stormy nightWhere stories live. Discover now