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You heard a knock on your door at 5:00am. Lightning flashed outside. You bolted up from the couch- you had been binge watching your favorite show all day and now morning. You opened the door, slowly. Rain beat down on your front porch. A man stood in front of you, soaked. A Chevy Impala was in your driveway. 

"Can I help you?" you asked groggily. You woke up more when you saw how handsome he was. 

"I'm Dean. I was in town and I got kicked out of my motel. My dad new yours." he guy said. You raised eyebrows.

"My dad is dead. Who is your dad?" you asked Dean. 

"John Winchester." Dean said. Memories of John and your dad flashed through your memory. You smiled at Dean. You opened the door to let him in. 

"I'm y/n. Come out of the rain. Can I get you anything?" you asked him. Dean came in and stood looking at you.


"Down the hall then to your left." you told him. He went in and didn't come out for ten minutes. You went up to the door and put your ear up to it. You could hear crying from within. 

"Dean?" you asked quietly. You opened the door a little to see Dean with his hands on the sides of the sink. His head was low and tears fell down his face. 

"I'm a little older than you. When you were born, my dad came here to see your parents, and he brought me. You were so little- I got to hold you! Your tiny little hands...." Dean sniffed. You smiled sadly. 

"My dad told me about that, now that I think." you nodded. You went up behind Dean. "What's wrong?" you whispered. Rain beat down on your roof and windows. You jumped a little. 

"I had a brother... Y/n. He's dead. He died. Sammy died." Dean sobbed, gripping the sink tighter. You gasped sadly and turned Dean to you. "I have no family. I have nothing." Dean cried. You pulled Dean out to your living room. You forced him softly to sit down on the couch. 

"Dean... I'm so sorry." you looked deep into his candy green eyes. Dean clenched his jaw and tried to stop crying. "You're staying with me tonight. Okay?" you held Dean's face in your hands and wiped the salty water off his freckled cheeks. He kissed your forehead. You dropped your hands with a sad smile. Dean pulled something out of his pocket. It was a necklace. 

"Sammy gave me this for Christmas one year. He thought I threw it away but after I did, I raced back inside and got it out of the trash," Dean held it in his hands. He looked really tired all of a sudden. 

"You can sleep here. But if you even think about drinking our trying to escape, I will slap you silly. You understand me?" you told Dean, standing up. You went into the hall and got blankets and a pillow. You walked back into the room to see Dean already asleep. Even in his sleep, a tear fell out of his eyes. You put the blanket over him and cleared off his tears again. You set yourself up on the love seat across from him and drifted off to sleep. You didn't sleep very well, for the storm kept waking you up. You could see Dean still crying in his sleep, tossing and turning. Waking up to a loud noise was not ideal. It also happened to be one of your drinking glasses. You bolted up from your sleep. You saw Dean throwing the glass, crying and talking to himself angrily. You stood up quickly and grabbed Dean's hand. 

"No one is listening. Angels, demons, friends? I'm all alone. No one is going to help me get my Sammy back." Dean cried. You took the glass from his hand. 

"He's in a better place, Dean. Forgive yourself." you pleaded him. Dean fell to his knees in front of you. You got down too, taking hold of his shoulders. 

"Thank you, y/n." Dean whispered. 

"You want breakfast? A big, greasy, and so not good for you breakfast?" you asked Dean. His eyes got a little shine back in them. He nodded, kissing your forehead. You stood up. 

Let Him Go, DeanWhere stories live. Discover now