Chapter 10

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Seokjin's POV:

Jungkook, "I am done with you."

"...What? W-wait a minute. What does that mean?" I questioned.

"I'll put it plainly so you can understand. Get out of my sight."

"But...but why..."

"I kept you around for the business deal with Bucci. But now that the deal's gone through, I don't need you anymore."

"It's been a while since you made the deal, so why now?"

"Do you need me to spell it out for you?" Jungkook pulls the woman closer to him and smiles at me. What, he doesn't need me because he has a new lover?

"But I thought..." I thought we were developing a real, equal relationship. I thought he wasn't just using me. He told me about his past and everything, but I guess I am the only one who felt that way.

"Oh, are you worried about the outfits and shoes I bought you? I will let you keep them."

"I don't need them! Don't patronize me!"

"I thought you were complaining because you wanted something." The sparkling ring on my right finger catches my eye. This is the ring he bought when we were alone together. I have been wearing it ever since that day, but now I take if off and set it on a nearby table. I was an idiot thinking there was anything special behind this ring. I am so stupid.

"Excuse me."

It takes everything I have to bow my head to him, reverting back to a hotel employee, and then I leave his room. I'll never come back here again. I bite my lip and get on the elevator.

Several days pass before I see Jungkook again. Junghwan, "Jin, were you told to get all the amenities ready yourself?"

"Yes. But it's all right; I'm used to it."

"I think Lisa bullying is going too far. Maybe you should tell Mr. Zhang?"

"If I don't complain about her, she will get tired of it eventually." She still thinks Jungkook and I are dating, even though we're not. But right now I should just concentrate on work and not think about anything else. I only got involved with him by complete accident. I wanted him to let me go so badly, so why do I feel so unhappy now that it's all over? Why can't I forget him? After I'm done making the bed, I stand up and suddenly Jungkook's pager falls out of my pocket. "Oops..." Maybe I should return this? Or maybe I should just throw it away.

"That reminds me. You haven't gotten a page from the penthouse lately."


"I guess everything's calmed down since the I.V.C. ended, hm?"

"Yeah..." It's for the best. To Jungkook, I was nothing but a pawn anyway. But when I start thinking about it, I can't stop remembering my time spent with him. I need to concentrate on work. I am grateful I have a lot of things to do right now.

That night, I get off work late and start to head back to the dorm, when I see Lay standing in the lobby. Lay, "Seokjin, perfect timing. You just get off work?"

"Yes. It took a little longer than I thought to write my daily report tonight."

"I just finished up, too. You want to go out for drinks or something? You don't have to work tomorrow, right?"

"Right. Sure, I can go out for a little bit..." At times like this, maybe it's okay to drink until I forget everything.

"You have seemed a little down lately. I have been worried. But if you feel well enough to go drinking, you must be all right."

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