Yoo ChaeRin

114 6 0

Korean- Chinese

Username: DawnSkul

Name: Yoo ChaeRin

NickName: Chae

Age: 21

Personality: crazy, gets easily embarrassed in awkward situations, stubborn - only listens to herself but is kind,

Hobbies: trolling, annoying people, playing her electric guitar loudly

Instrument: Drums and electric guitar

Position: Visual and 2nd main vocalist

Bias: Chen

Other: Likes to sleep in her bandmates beds cos she thinks they're more comfortable than her own

Ap: bangs that cover her right eye. Slim and curvy. Is 5'8. Grey eyes. Milky white skin

"Weakness: Short tempered - people can easily piss her off.

Powers: Invisibility and to slighty see into the future

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