Chapter 3

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The next day, Kevin walked into his study to find the girl in the exact same position as she was in the day before. Mitch had taken away her plate when everyone else finished, so that was no longer next to her. She had made a small dent into the meal, but nothing significant. 

"We are going to clean up my books." Kevin announced.

The girl didn't move, only blinking. A lot. Kevin concluded that she had dry eyes, something that would be an easy fix with eye drops, not that she would let him near something like her eyes.

"You made a mess." Kevin stated, "Now you must help me tidy it."

"No." She said.

"Yes. It's what I do when I make a mess, and Avi, and Mitch would too but he doesn't often make large messes. Plus, you disrespected my belongings. You can tidy up by yourself, I don't have to help." Kevin said. He kept a calm voice, something he was very good at.

The girl cried for a few seconds and squeezed herself into a ball before sliding herself off of the bed and walking over to the books. Kevin assumed she just needed to release some frustration, he didn't know how long she had gone with no one telling her what to do.

Kevin picked up his favourite books first, only to make sure the random stranger wouldn't touch them.

"Normally, I don't let people touch my things, you have permission this one time. After that, I expect you not to touch my belongings." Kevin said. It was a rule in the household, no touching Kevin's things without permission unless in an emergency. Generic items are okay, like his chair and desk. He decided to make that one clear as it seemed she would be staying with them for at least a few days. Until her friend woke up.

He was still in the living room. Avi and Mitch rotated on who kept an eye on him as Kevin needed rest. He was still alive by the morning, which was good. The pack's thermometer wasn't often used, so it didn't have working batteries in. That was the only errand for the day.

"What is this?" The girl asked, holding up a nature book.

"That's a caterpillar." Kevin told her. "Do you like it?"

"Yes. Tickles. I met one and I named him Michael." She said.

"Why did you name him Michael?" Kevin asked.

She didn't answer, but continued putting away the books. She likes caterpillars, that's a start on finding out things about her. Kevin was pleased with that.

"Do you know how to determine a caterpillar's sex?" Kevin asked.

"No." The girl said.

"You can't. They don't have reproductive organs. The only way is dissection." He told her.

"What's that?" She asked.

"You basically just cut them open to see what's inside." Kevin said, deciding to simplify it for her as he didn't know how much she knew about general terms.

"Cool." She said. "Can I cut you up?"

The question took Kevin by surprise, stunning him into silence. It took him a minute before he could respond, by which time the girl looked like she had lost interest.

"No, you can't. Not only is that illegal, but it would have no benefits in advancing medicine or the understanding of the human body. Unless I had an under researched disease, which I don't." Kevin explained.

"Do I?" She asked.

"I don't know, I can't tell you that. We can take you to see someone to see if you do, though." Kevin offered. He saw the perfect opportunity to take her to get examined by someone with more knowledge than him. Maybe she would be staying for longer after all.

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