-Update ~ Vote closed-

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Okay, so I have two ideas for an ark I guess, but I don't know which one to choose. So ima do a voting here. You guys can vote for which one and I'll write the one with the most votes. I can do both if you guys want, just vote on the one you guys want me to write first.

1. Red gets split into 5 emotions(?), anger, sadness/fear, love, comedy, and happiness. I got the idea from a bnha fan made comic about Bakugo getting split into 6 different emotions, I don't remember who made it though.

2. Classic get's hit by a quirk, bringing 5 other AUs to their world for a few days. I know fresh will definitely be one of the AUs, but we can do another vote for who else I'll add.

Update- Ok, so I'm going to let the vote go on till either this Friday or Sunday, then I'm closing it.

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