Tokoyama (Tokoyami x Aoyama) Headcanons

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The artist is Bearlissa on Tumblr and @/bear_lissa on Instagram (Always give credit to artists, it's common sense everyone)

-They both have problems controlling their quirks, so Mr. Aizawa recommended they partner together to try to help each other, that's how they first became friends. They understood what it was like to have a difficult quirk to control and they bonded over it immediately.

-Tokoyami had thought that Aoyama was attractive when he first met him, but he also thought he was a bit over the top and eccentric, so he chose not to say anything.

-He didn't really start to crush on him until after Dark Shadow wouldn't let him go while they were working together one day. He had actually gone to apologize to Aoyama after school, he was worried that Aoyama would hate him, but he didn't. He actually started petting Dark Shadow as they were talking, and Aoyama told him that he was glad to have someone who understood what it was like to have a quirk that was hard to control. He left after that, a happy look that masked the solemn look he just had, and he left Tokoyami with feeling he hadn't really felt before.

-They started talking more after that, Tokoyami wanted to find out exactly what he meant, and they realized that actually had a lot in common with each other, quirk wise at least.

-Aoyama thought Tokoyami was kinda attractive, but he thought he was too depressing and he didn't understand what he was talking about half of the time, so he didn't really talk to him either. He was very happy when he found out that someone else knew what it was like to have a quirk that was hard to control, he was a little bothered that it was Tokoyami, but he pushed it aside.

-He started crushing on Tokoyami after he called him a bel oiseau and he saw how red he turned, he thought it was adorable so he started to call Tokoyami it whenever he saw him.

-Tokoyami and Dark shadow love shiny things, Tokoyami can control himself self more than Dark shadow though, so when Aoyama started using his quirk on the Friday before they left for the weekend, Dark shadow latched onto Aoyama and wouldn't let him go for two hours. He absolutely knew what he was doing

-Tokoyami could not stop apologizing, Aoyama thought it was completely adorable, he called him a bel oiseau. Tokoyami had no idea what that meant, but he blushed worse when Aoyama called him it. 

-Aoyama now calls him a bel oiseau whenever he sees him, he loves making Tokoyami flustered, he thinks it's completely adorable. 

-After a week of Aoyama teasing him, Tokoyami wanted to get payback, so he started looking up things to call him in French. Unfortunately, he fell asleep on the computer because he STAYED UP FOR TWO FREAKING DAYS WHICH ISN'T HEALTHY.

-Dark Shadow, who knew that Tokoyami liked him, decided to take things into his own "hands" and he looked up French pick up lines.

-He told Tokoyami what to say and Tokoyami didn't really trust him, but he had no choice since Dark Shadow had already called Aoyama over. 

-Tokoyami spent all morning practicing how to say it. (French is hard to speak, I sound like I'm having a seizure when I'm speaking it, lmao)

-Est-ce que ton pere a ete un voleur? Parce qu'il a vole les etoiles du ciel pour les mettre dans tes yeux."

-Aoyama froze and his jaw dropped a little, then he started laughing.

-This completely embarrassed Tokoyami, who looked at Dark Shadow and asked what he had just said.

-Aoyama smiled and said that he had just asked if his father was a thief because he had stolen the stars to put them in his eyes.

-Tokoyami froze and then Aoyama asked if he wanted to hang out after school, Tokoyami said yes and Aoyama nodded as he went back to sit down. (Tokoyami swore to murder Dark Shadow whenever he got the chance LMAO)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2020 ⏰

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