Chapter 18

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Percy woke up the the delicious smell of pancakes frying and the sunlight streaming through the living room windows.

He sat up, rubbing his eyes, and peered around the room. Nico was no where to be seen, but he guessed he was in the kitchen as he heard loud Italian singing and the clanging of plates and cutlery.

Percy swung his legs off the couch and stood up, shuffling out of the door and into the kitchen.

Percy wanted to curl up into a Percy-ball and cry at the adorable was that was his boyfriend. Nico had set up the table ready for a breakfast for two, and was currently dancing around the kitchen clad in nothing more than his 'ghost king' boxers and a pink frilly apron that said 'Bacia Il Cuoco' in Italian on the front, which translated to 'Kiss the Cook'.

"l'amore conta,
l'amore conta,
Conosci un altro modo per fregar la morte?
Nessuno dice mai se prima o se poi,
E forse qualche dio non ha finito con noi.
l'amore conta,
l'amore conta,
per quanto tiri sai,
che la coperta è corta,
nessuno dice mai che sia facile,
e forse qualche dio non ha finito con te,
l'amore conta."

Nico sang the lyrics beautifully, the Italian words rolling off his tongue effortlessly. Waving around a spoon, he checked the pancakes, which were Percy's favourite colour, blue. Percy wanted to squeal from excitement.

Nico span around and squeaked when he saw Percy standing there. "H-How long have you been there?"

Percy rushed up to Nico and wrapped Nico into an embrace, kissing his lips lovingly and spinning him around. "You did all of this while I was sleeping?"

Nico nodded shyly, blushing a light pink. God, could this boy get any cuter?

Nico squirmed out of Percy's arms and went back to his little cooking area that he'd set up. Percy came over and inspected the pancakes, inhaling the mouthwatering smell deeply.

Nico sighed. "Percy, could you stop lingering around the pancakes and sit down already? I have to actually dish them up before you eat them- Perseus Jackson! Get your hand away from the pancake!"



"That was the best pancake I've ever tasted in my entire life." Percy sighed dreamily, kissing Nico's forehead, who giggled slightly. "Thanks, baby." He whispered, kissing Percy's nose.

Nico's phone vibrated from the coffee table. He reached over and checked the caller ID. "Unknown." Nico frowned, looking up at Percy.

"Maybe it's your Mum or Dad from their hotel landline. Answer it just in case." Percy shrugged. Nico pressed answer and held the phone to his ear. "Hello?"

"Hello sir, is this Mr. di Angelo?" The voice was a woman's, but Nico didn't recognise it at all.

"Um, would you like Nico or Hades di Angelo?"

"Nico please, sir."

"Uh, speaking?" Percy rolled his eyes and Nico flicked his head.

"This is NYC Hospital, calling about a patient named Octavian Jupiter."

Nico was silent for a while before answering. Why was Octavian in hospital? "Why is he in the hospital, please?" Percy sat up to attention.

"It seems to our doctors he's been on class B drugs for the past few weeks. He's recently taken an overdose and was found in his hotel room collapsed, so the staff from his hotel brought him here where he's had his stomach pumped. He woke up this morning and said he needed to speak to you, Mr. di Angelo."

Nico was silent. "Thank you, I'll be there shortly." He whispered and hung up. The phone slid out from his hand and landed on the carpet.

"Nico? Who's in hospital, baby?" Percy said, looking into Nico's eyes for any signs of emotion other than shock. "Octavian."


Nico and Percy walked into room 64 and saw Octavian sitting up into his bed, pale as a sheet of paper. When he saw the pair come in, his eyes lit up.

"Hi." His voice was weak and quiet. Percy walked around to the other side of the bed and let Nico sit in the arm chair. "What happened to you?" Nico asked.

"Th-The nurse filled you in didn't she?" Octavian said. Nico nodded. "Then that's mainly it."

"Well why do you want to speak to me?" Nico said quietly.

Octavian looked down. "I wanted to apologise. I didn't know what I was doing because of the drugs, I just missed you so much. I didn't realise you were happy with Percy, when the only thing I wanted you to be was happy. I'm so sorry Nico, so sorry." Octavian whispered, tears falling down his face.

Nico looked at Octavian with sympathy. He knew what Octavian was going through all too well. He was hating himself, which was the story of Nico's life.

"It's okay." He said.

Octavian looked up, his baby blue eyes glassy. "What?"

"I forgive you." Nico gave him a sympathetic smile, and Percy looked at his boyfriend proudly.

"You do?" Octavian said, shocked.

"Yes, I know what you're going through. To be able to ever move on from something like this, you need to know you have forgiveness." Nico managed a small smile.

"Thank you." Octavian whispered.



-Ella xx

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