Chapter 4

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*About 5 days later*

Nico woke up with a jolt, panting and tears rolling down his cheeks. His nightmares had not been so friendly or tame that night. He looked around his bedroom, checking to see that he was still in California and not in his vicious dream place that he liked to call 'Tartarus'.

"Nicky? Morning, man. Your dad wants me to- Hey, what's wrong?" Nico looked over to his door and found Leo standing in his door frame with a cup of warm apple cider, Nico's favourite, and some paracetamol. Nico shook his head, looking down at his lap. Leo came over to his bed, setting the cup of cider and tablet on his bedside table, and sat on the edge of his bed.

"Another nightmare?" Leo said sympathetically. Nico looked up, tears clouding his vision. Leo scooted closer and wrapped his arms around Nico's waist, pulling him to his chest. Leo always seemed to be warm, so his hugs were always pleasant and warming to your core.

Nico wrapped his arms around Leo's neck and began to cry out loud. He made a mental promise to himself that this would be the last time he cried until he would be in New York, because right now he just needed to regain feeling in his eyes.

"Shh, come on Neeks, it's alright, I'm here. Just let it all out." Leo soothed. Nico pulled away and wiped his eyes harshly.

"It was just another nightmare, just another nightmare. Not real, it wasn't real." Nico told himself.

Leo brushed Nico's hair out of his eyes and grabbed the apple cider and tablet. He held them up for Nico to take.

"Here, take these. It'll make you feel better, I promise." Leo said. Nico took the tablet and sipped a little bit of the drink, relishing in the way it soothed his raw throat.

"Thanks, Leo." Nico smiled warily.

Leo smiled back brightly. "Not a problem, Neeks. Hey, I was thinking." Nico groaned outwardly, making Leo smile. "Maybe we should all get together and do something."

"Yeah, I'd like that. We could all go to the shopping centre and grab dinner in Micky D's."

"Sounds perfect. I'll call the others and we can meet there in a few hours."

"Great, now can you leave me alone to get dressed?"

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. I'll leave now."

*At the shopping centre*

"What do you guys say we go and raid the sweet shop? Nicky could use it for the long flight tomorrow." Leo suggested as the five walked through the shopping centre. Frank and Hazel were ahead of the others, holding hands and smiling. Rachel, Nico and Leo were all standing a little bit behind. Frank turned around and flashed a smile.

"Yeah, the flights gonna be a long one. Lil Neeks needs as much energy as he can if he's gonna be hitting the NYC clubs." He laughed. Nico blushed and scrunched up his face, which made the others laugh.

Rachel laughed and slung her arm across Nico's shoulders. "Relax, Nicky. We're just having some fun. We won't be able to torment you for a whole summer. It's gonna be torture. And can I ask you to do something for me?"

"Yeah, sure." Nico replied.

"If you do see this Percy boy," Nico winced at his name, but Rachel carried on in a softer tone, "Can you make sure that you won't let yourself get hurt by him?" Nico's face contorted in confusion.

"What?" He asked.

"Don't let him tear your heart in half again they way he did." Rachel repeated.

"I probably won't see him again, Rach. And how does one avoid getting their heartbroken?"

"You don't, you just make sure you get revenge on the people that hurt you." Rachel smiled deviously as Nico shifted uncomfortably.

"Uh, ok. I'll try my hardest not to let him hurt me." Nico smiled nervously.

Rachel smiled back brightly. "Great! Now, let's go raid the sweet shop and Micky D's!"

Nico got home a hours later at about 11:00 pm, a bag of fast food in hand.

"Bye Neeks!" Leo shouted as he drove away. Nico chuckled and unlocked the front door to be faced with the now bare walls and boxes everywhere. The movers had been in and moved their furniture to the airport for safe keeping overnight and easy moving to the aeroplane.

It was already in New York and was probably in their old home right now. It upset Nico to some extent, they were practically moving out of his home for 3 years, even if only for the summer. There was a part of him that was excited to be back in New York, he used to live there and love it. But he was also nervous about being so close to Percy again, even though he might not live there any more. Nico was shaken out of his thoughts as his Father came around the corner and into the light.

"Oh, hello Nico. Go get your bags, we've got an early flight. We leave tonight." Nico froze. Tonight? He hasn't said goodbye to anybody properly yet!

"T-Tonight? I haven't said goodbye properly yet." He stuttered.

Hades lips tilted down. "You can call them when we land. Go get your bags, son. We'll meet you in the car." Hades moved past Nico and went outside, already busy with the task of loading the bags into the car.

Nico walked up the stairs in a daze, still stunned he would have to go so early. He texted his friends and explained the situation, all while checking his bags.

"Nico! Come on, sweetheart! We might miss our flight if we leave any later!" Maria shouted up the stairs. Nico took one last look around his room before he grabbed his bags and trudged down the stairs.

*On the plane*

Nico had never been fond of flying. He always felt like he would plummet out of the sky if he dared move in his seat, or the plane would crash and send him to his death. He saw Bianca look over to him out of the corner of his eye, shooting him a sympathetic glance. She reached over her seat and took his hand, rubbing soothing circles on the back.

"It's alright, Nicky. We're going to land in New York safe and sound, I promise." Nico looked over to his sister, smiling weakly.

"Thanks, B. Let's get this over with." A few minutes later, the plane began to move on the runway. They began to accelerate, and the wheels of the plane left the ground, Nico stifling a scream. Nico scrambled around for his headphones and stuffed them in his ears, a soft Italian lullaby playing immediately. After a few hours on the flying death trap we call a plane, Nico's eyes became heavy and he drifted off the sleep, but the turbulence of the plane woke him up occasionally. He really hated flying.

*Touch down*

Nico groaned in relief when he saw the ground again. The sky was dark and dusted with faint stars as it was early morning, the steady drizzle of the New York City summer rain drumming on the cold glass of the window. He saw the faint glow of the lights of the city ahead of him, and he turned to Hades excitedly.

"Look Dad! We're back!" He said, bouncing in his seat like a child. Hades sighed and lifted his eyes from the book he was reading, An Imperial Affliction.

"Yes Nico, I see that we're back in New York. Could you just please stop bouncing and act like a 17 year old teenager and not like a 5 year old boy?" Nico stopped bouncing and looked his father dead in the eye, smirking.

"Dad, if I could I would have done that a long time ago." Hades sighed and put his book in his carry on. The tune of the airway came onto the intercom and an air hostess' voice rang crisp and clear.

"Thank you for flying with us and we hope you had an enjoyable flight. You may now disembark the plane. Enjoy your stay in New York."

Chapter 4 done! Updates will probably be every other day now with school and all, but I promise to give you at least 2 chapters every week xx Comments?


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