Chapter 15

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Taehyung and Jungkook's shopping experience was a total chaos.The omega would pick up his favourite snacks to put in their trolley but the alpha would take them out every time.Eventually Jungkook got infuriated.

"What's with you?"he growled at the alpha.

"You are a doctor and you should know better what's not good for your health"

"How is that your business"he yelled.

"Jungkook it's better you don't argue with me.You are staying in my apartment and what I say goes.You get that. I don't want junk food anyway near my pantry"

"What in the world are you made of?"Jungkook asked but Taehyung ignored him and continued to push the trolley.

"You are so fucking selfish"Jungkook spat.That triggered Taehyung instantly and Jungkook found himself pinned against the shelf , the alpha's arms caging him at the spot.

"Do you mind repeating that."he asked slowly yet menacingly.

Jungkook didn't dare open his mouth.He couldn't risk it.What if the alpha gets annoyed even more .

"I sacrifed my special time today so I could accompy you to the orphanage and then to your apartment.This is what I get. I really advice you to choose your words carefully"

Jungkook suddenly felt a rush of boldness surging through him"I don't excatly remember asking for a bodyguard"

Taehyung laughed just like how a maniac would."You have won"that was all he said and Jungkook found it repulsive.

"Don't look at me as if you are seeing dog poo in front of you. I don't appreciate that"Taehyung returned to pushing his trolley as if non of that had happened.

"There is no point in talking to you.Why would I even bother.Its just a waste of my energy"Jungkook said and continued making weired faces.

"It's good that you know"

So for the next half an hour Jungkook only trailed behind Taehyung while he got whatever he needed in his apartment.

When they were just about to leave Jungkook bumbed into an old friend of his.

"Jimin Hyung"he exclaimed as he hugged the older omega as hard as he could.Taehyung only raised his brows in suprise.

"Jungkook why are you behaving as if we hadn't seen each other in ages.You came to give me your wedding invitation on your own didn't you?"

"But that seemed like ages ago and I miss you"

"Yet you don't call"

"I wouldn't want to disturb you. Your new princess would need all your attention.How are your kids by the way"

"Everything is perfect.Arent you going to perform the introductions"

"Silly me.That should have been first."Jungkook said and locked his arm with Taehyung's and they gave off the lovey Dovey feel without even putting effect.

"This is my fiance Kim Taehyung"

"Hello, you don't know this by you must be the most unlucky man to end up with this plain Jane"Jimin teased and then winked at his fellow omega.Taehyung responded by nodding and smiling politely.

"Thanks Hyung.And Taehyung this is Jimin Hyung.He was my senior in med school."

"Nice to meet you"Taehyung said.


"And this is Min Yoongi his husband"

The two alphas shook hands and exchanged smiles.

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