Chapter 1

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Warning: Strong Language

Loki sighed, turning to page 180. English was a very dull subject in Loki's opinion. He'd much rather be reading the book in his dorm to this one. It was very depressing.

Loki glanced up from his book looking around at the other people at his table. Natasha was glaring at Clint who was asleep, the side of his face stuck to his open book until Natasha wacked him with her own book to make him wake up.

Bruce was reading along, the only one who was almost at the same page as Loki and was trying to ignore the other kids throwing balled up pieces of paper at the back of his head.

Thor and Steve(who hadn't even opened their books) were talking quietly to each other about the upcoming football match. The teacher told them to be quiet and they fell into silence.

A few minutes later a knock was heard at the door but Loki didn't even bother to look up from his book, assuming it was some kid who tried to skip class and got caught and continued to read.

"Stop poking me Thor," Loki grumbled, as he tries to concentrate on the book.

"But Brother, look who just arrived!" Thor said, still consistently poking him.

Just to make the oaf stop, Loki glanced up at the doorway.

A boy around seventeen stood leaning casually against the frame. Messy, brown hair hung in his eyes. He wore some long jeans and a plain black top which was ripped, dirty and grease stained, almost as if he didn't notice that he looked like a homeless person. Or cared. Despite his dirty appearance Loki had to admit the boy was fairly good looking.

The boys eyes wandered thr room, the caramel eyes landing on Loki's forest green. The boy gave him a devilish smile and winked. Loki's face turned a light shade of red and looked away, making sure no one had noticed.

Clint had once again fallen back asleep much to Natasha's annoyance. Bruce was yelling at the kids who had been throwing paper at him while were cowering under his rage. Steve was looking at the new kid calculating. 

The only one who had noticed anything was Thor, but when he asked Loki what was wrong, Loki said it was a little but hot and hastily went back to reading.

Loki felt the chair next to him slide out as someone sat down on it.


Loki looked up at the nee kid and scowled "What do you want?" He said coldly.

Thor shot Loki a look but the boy just laughed.

"Ooh, feisty aren't we Kitty?" The boy smirked.

Loki growled. "Don't call me that!"

He shrugged. "It's not my fault you haven't told me your name yet, Kitty."

Loki grinded his teeth together. "It's Loki." He said through gritted teeth.

The boy gave another smirk. "Anthony Stark, though most people call me Tony." He introduced himself. He held out a hand which Loki ignored, so he reached forward and grabbed Loki's hand anyways.

Loki ripped his hand out of Tony's grasp. "Don't touch me!" He hissed.

Tony held his hand up in surrender though he still had that stupid smirk on his face.

Loki sighed and ignored him for the rest of the lesson as Thor started talking to Tony.

As soon as the lesson was finished Loki was the first one to leave, he didn't have any other classes for a while, so he headed to his dorm.

Loki's thoughts started to Tony. Stupid, irritating, stuck-up, most probably rich, asshole. What a jerk! Loki made it obvious he didn't want to talk, but no! He just couldn't seem to stop, kept going on and on persistent little shit!

He opened the door to his dorm, flicking the lights on.

If he had been thinking clearly he would probably have noticed that the door was unlocked or the lights were switched off, which he never bothered to turn off. It wasn't until he heard a noise that he froze on the spot.

"Hello Loki."


This book again I adopted from GayRainbowBridge.

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