Dinner With The Zoldyck's Part 2

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We walk down a long hallway and stop once we have reached his family's dining room, then he let go of my hand and held the door for me. Once it was open I could see the table with a lady with bandages all on her hands, face, neck, and wrists, she also had an electronic like visor covering her eyes. Next to her is a tall built up man who I would assume is her husband, he has long washed out silver blonde hair and he wears a short sleeved purple shirt with his arms crossed, he is sitting up straight and a stern expression takes over his face, he has deep blue cat like eyes and a sinister aura surrounding him... And across the table are three kids one has spikey white hair with dark blue eyes and another is wearing a kimono and has a black bob like hair cut and purple pink eyes, and the last one is bigger in size and he wears a pink shirt and white pants he has black hair and he has been staring at me since me and Illumi entered the big dining room I heard a squeal from the lady with bandages I believe her name was Kikyo, Kikyo Zoldyck. She runs over to me and grabs my hands "Oh Y/N I can't believe you made it! I'm so glad you came and didn't run away on us!" she says... "Oh yes of course" I say in response, Then a deep toned voice that boomed across the room came from the man who was sitting next to her before she jolted up and ran to me "That's enough Kikyo, don't scare away our guest" As I was about to say something Kikyo just said in response "Oh come on I am just trying to see what a lovely lady our son has met" she says in a happy voice, I gently smile and tilt my head in response. I still feel that one boys eyes on me, it's not something someone would say is a comfortable situation, but I cant just say stop looking at me, it would be rude. Illumi just grabs my hand and takes me to a seat next to him without saying a word and we sit down. Kikyo does the same after a short while and the dining hall is silent now... I would say something but it would be awkward, some butlers and maids come in the room with food karts and drinks "woah this is food?" I thought to myself then as the table is set by the maids the butler starts to talk about the tonight's special as my mind wonders I get snapped out of my thoughts as I hear Illumi's voice break the silence "So Y/N" I turn my head to face him "Tell us a little about your family" he says finally looking at me in the eyes "Well" I started to say as I felt all eyes on me "My dad is D/N (dads name) and- "Wait what?" The muscular man says looking up at me "Did I say something wrong?" I ask... He said nothing and then let me continue, I could see a mood shift from his calm and serious to annoyed and serious as if he wasn't intimidating enough, "I haven't heard from him in a while he's still on a business trip, he was supposed to come back last week but he hasn't yet" I said I mean not that I care he's gone...He has never once helped me or been a real father figure to me because his money was more important "Is that so?" Silva asks "Yes sir" I say...Silence filled the air just like in the ballroom just a while earlier, even tho it was a few moments before that sound of silence was broken I could feel everyone's eyes on me....Kikyo noticed how awkward i felt so she then started to speak "Well alright then! Lets eat shall we?" Kikyo exclaims while grabbing her fork and knife ready to eat, everyone else does the same and all the eyes that were on me soon left and a slight sigh of relief managed to escape me....I looked at the food. It smelt as good as it looked, there were many things on the long table, many types of meat, veggies, soups, there was anything and everything you could think of, like a whole 2 buffets to itself...A few hours later everyone finished there share of food and left the table leaving me, Kikyo, Illumi, And the muscular man alone... Since I would assume he was their dad he must be the famous assassin Silvia Zoldyck, An older man came into the room holding his hands behind his back and hunched slightly forward...He is about medium height has grey hair and has a Fu Manchu Mustashe and a paper like tag on his chest in Japanese writing stating "A Kill A Day"....Ive heard stories about this man, he must be Zeno Zoldyck the most dangerous out of all the Zoldyck assassins..."I see we have a guest" Zeno says sitting down "We don't have many guests around here.... Did Illumi take you prisoner dear?" he says to me, I shake my head signaling that he didn't do anything like that "Then how did you manage to come here without getting killed" he asks me smiling I was about to open my mouth to speak then Kikyo chimes into the conversation and then squeals "Oh this is Illumi's women!! He wouldn't do anything to her now, would you dear!" she says smiling at Illumi "No I suppose not" he says bluntly, I don't say or do anything because I'm only confused and trying to understand what was happening.....his women? I think to myself, what does that mean? I mean I honestly wouldn't mind but he is still a stranger...A really beautiful one at that...I point my head down and stare at my legs at an attempt to hide the red sheet of blush that took over my face. "Your not scared," Zeno says to me, "I knew he was confused at the current situation and I looked up to him "Why would I be scared" I say tilting my head and looking at him confused, Silvia and Zeno laugh and then Silvia's loud deep voice calmly says "Do you even know who we are" he says to me... This was the first time i felt his excitement over strictness or annoyance "Well I know of your family...But only a few of you, I noticed Mr Zeno as the famous and most dangerous Zoldyck in your family and I believe that you are Mr Silvia... Silvia Zoldyck please correct me if im wrong" I say pointing too into Silvia's direction. He only sits there surprised and even more excited than before, I still don't know why tho... I start to speak again "And Ms Kikiyo Zoldyck is the lady sitting next to you Mr Silvia" I say smiling to Kikyo "Oh also, I don't know much about your children but I also found out a little while ago that your eldest son was Illumi Zoldyck" I said looking away and blushing once again... I could feel Silvias smile creeping around the room, but little did I know this whole time I was being tested... Only a second or two passed but Silvia managed to get behind me holding his sharp nails to my neck... He manipulated his body to be able to have his hand as stronger than any weapon ever made but for some reason I didn't even flinch this surprised him "Well would you look at that, I can't pick up any fear from you hell u didn't even flinch!" Silvia says his excitement growing even more, his sharp nails pricking my neck a little deeper, there was a small blood trail rolling down my neck..."Tell me child...What are you afraid of" His smiling face turns serious but still psychotic "Well....If we are being honest not much sir" I say to him he ignores what I say and asks the question again "What are you afraid of child..." The smile coming back on his face and his nails going a little deeper in my neck. "I'm not really sure I never thought about it much" I say looking up at him "I guess...Not being loved" I smiled with my eyes closed and tears rolling down my face secinds later but still not taking away my smile... He just stands there unsure of what to do but Illumi's hand eventually met his "That will be enough" He says standing over me taking hold of his father's hand and looking at my E/C eyes and my smile fades, but my tears keep coming out even though I'm not making a sound Silvia takes his hand away and Illimi picks me up out of my chair "We will be leaving now" he says not making eye contact with anyone and I could feel his anger towards what just happened even tho his face didn't change once the whole time....The situation had me dumbfounded and confused, It's like im in a romance movie... Like I'm the main character and I've made my way into my future lovers arms... Being carried away from the awful cruel world and being taken into paradise with him, my night in shining armor.... Wait no what am I thinking I still barely know him... But he's so pretty, His eyes are such a void of emptiness and loneliness but how can they be so sad...But yet...so lovely and so cold the combination makes it so daring to dive in, even at the risk of my own life... But I would do it... Out of pure curiosity and being so head over heels for this stranger... But what if someone else would have saved me? Would I feel the same thing just because that person saved me? Is this just what I think I should feel in the moment?... We made it to a bedroom after passing many doors and walking down many hallways. He sets me down on the room's big bed and goes to shut the door, Then he walks to a door on the other side of the room and opens it revealing a bathroom, he walks in and I hear the sink water running. He then walks out of the bathroom with a wet rag and puts it to my neck cleaning off all the blood that came running down from before "Illumi I can do it if you wan-" He cuts me off saying "I can do it...You just sit down and stay quiet for a minute" I then blush and then nod he finishes cleaning off the blood and right as he was about to stand up I reached out to his face and feel the smooth surface of his skin meeting my hands and he just sits there as I continue to make my way to his hair feeling his long soft and silky black hair... As I continue to explore his hair and face he grabs my hand finally asking "What are you doing Y/N" I finally realize what I was doing and sit there silently trying to seek out the answer he asked that I myself wanted to know as well

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