Making an Impression

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"Hello my name is Adrien Agreste and I am applying for the teacher position--"

"I know who you are. I know exactly who you are." said Ms. Mendeleiev. "How could I not? Everyone knows the famous Adrien Agreste son of Gabriel Agreste."

Adrien gulped and shrank in his seat. 

Well then, no need for introductions.

"So Mr. Agreste, why do you want to become a teacher?" Ms. Mendeleiev said crossing her arms. "You clearly don't need the job so why do you want it?"

"I love teaching its my passion.  I want to make learning as easy for the students as possible, I want to show them that you can still learn and have fun. School doesn't have to be difficult." He cleared his throat. "I want them to feel comfortable enough that they feel they can come up to me with their problems."

"Nonsense." She scoffed. "School isn't supposed to be 'easy' or 'fun'" She air quoted condescendingly. "It's supposed to be difficult and challenging or how will they learn?"

"Learning doesn't always have to be difficult--"

"You need to have complete control over your classroom, you can't let the kids get too comfortable or they'll walk all over you. That's ineffective teaching."

"That's not true. If you rule with a iron fist the students won't feel comfortable enough to come to you if they don't understand something. Instead they will suffer in silence and start failing their classes. What's more ineffective than a teacher who can't help their students?" He said adjusting his glasses.

"I don't like teachers like you." She stated

That's really just code for she doesn't like me.

"You young teachers and your new way of thinking infuriates me." she crossed her arms. "Why do you even want this job."

"I already told you why." he said.

"No," She said. " what's the real reason?"

"I want to make my own living. I don't want to have to depend on my father's fortune, I want to be independent and rely on myself."

"Very well then." She said standing up "You're hired. You better not disappoint, Mr. Agreste."

"I won't I promi-"  He didn't even get to finish before she left slamming the door behind her.

Well she seems nice.


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