The Stupid Plan

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Fair warning to anyone who would consider reading this: I am terrible at coming up with ideas, rarely have motivation, and updates don't come very often at all. So basically ya don't gotta be here at all. But requests and patience are appreciated!

Also I don't go over to edit unless I was unsure about a paragraph or something, so lemme know if there's any spelling or grammar mistakes, thanks!

Roman paced around in his room, one hand on his chin as he brainstormed. But all the ideas he could possibly come up with, he almost immediately deemed unworthy and trashed them. He'd tried writing things down, acting them out (in his head and otherwise), just thinking of them, but he couldn't think of anything good enough for what he was trying to plan!

How could he go about this? What would be good enough? Should he try big and flashy, or small and quiet?

What would guarantee him wooing Virgil into dating him?

Roman let out a long and weary sigh, flopping backwards onto his bed and covering his eyes with his arm. He was close to giving up, he was literal creativity! Why couldn't he think of a good enough way to ask Virgil out?

I'm terrified that whatever I do won't be good enough. That I won't be good enough, Roman thought to himself sadly.

A sudden knock on his door caught his attention. He sat up, looking in confusion, when the knock sounded again. Roman quickly jumped up and hurried over, opening the door to reveal non other than Logan. 

Roman raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing here, calculator watch?" He asked, genuinely confused.

Logan straightened his glasses. "May I step inside first, Roman?" The logical side asked.

Princey nodded, stepping aside for his fellow side to come in. He closed the door behind him, and went over to sit on the bed. "Do you need something? Ideas for Thomas' next video? Is Patton feeling sad again?"

Logan shook his head, pulling out the chair to Roman's desk and sitting on it. "None of those. It's about you. Virgil came by earlier to try and speak to you, he told me, but you apparently were so deep and lost in thought you didn't even notice him. He came to me to see if I would figure out what has got you so unaware this time."

Roman blinked, then groaned, facepalming himself. "Ugh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ignore him. . .is he okay?"

Logic nodded. "Indeed, he is, he is simply worried about you. You're usually rather hyper-aware of everyone here. What were you thinking about?"

Princey bit his lip, unsure. "Uh. . .can you keep a secret?"

Logan gave him a deadpan look. "Of course I can. Or, as you would say. . ." He pulled out his flashcards and looked through them for a moment, before picking one up to show to the fanciful side. "'Duh'."

Roman chuckled quietly. "I, uh, I've been trying to think of a good way to ask Virgil out." He said quietly. He glanced up to see Logan looking rather confused.

"But you are the literal embodiment of creativity. How is this a problem?" He asked Roman.

Princey shrugged. "Half of creativity, technically, and coming up with ideas is a synch. But none of them are perfect enough for him! I'd usually go with a bang, lots of flare, but he's the exact opposite of me. Plus he almost never shares what he'd like unless directly asked, so I don't know what to do!" He ranted, flopping backwards onto his bed again and running a hand through his hair.

Logan adjusted his tie and glasses. "Well, describe him to me. Tell me what you do know."


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