Natasha x (fem)reader (part 2)

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Natasha P/O/V:

I watch Dr Crusher run over to Y/N and kneel down beside her trying not to look at the bullet wound in her side. "Will she be alright?" Dr Crusher nods "But I need to get her to med bay before she looses any more blood. Can you help lift her up?" I nod and hastily wrap my arm under Y/N's lifting her up into mine. Once in med bay I gently lay her down on one of the beds and step to the side anxiously watching Dr Crusher work.

"She's going to be fine Tasha I promise." I nod slightly "Do you mind if I stay?" she shakes her head giving me a kind smile "Of course not, she should wake up in a couple of minutes." she walks away and I cautiously sit on the bed next to her brushing some stray her out of her face. She looks beautiful as always and peaceful.

Her eyes flutter open and she smiles slightly "Hi." I manage a small smile before glaring at her "What the hell did you do that for? Why did you take that bullet? You could have been killed." she smiles slightly "Your welcome." I shake my head slightly "Thank you." she grins "Your welcome." "Why did you do it?" she shrugs blushing slightly "I don't know." 

Your P/O/V:

I stare up at Tasha fighting the urge to lean up and kiss her. "Why did you do it?" managing to shrug I focus on a part of the ceiling above her head "I don't know." Dr Crusher walks back over and smiles "How do you feel?" I sit up "Alright, my side hurts a little but other than that I'm fine." she nods and scans me with her tricorder "Well its healed but it will be tender for a couple of days so take it easy." I nod "Thank you." she smiles and nods "You're free to go."

She walks away and I swing my legs of the bed and stand only wobbling slightly. Tasha reaches out but must think better of it because after a second her hand falls back to her side. "Why did you push me out the way?" I sigh turning away "BecauseIlikeyoualotanddon'twantyoutogethurt." she laughs "I'm sorry, English please." I take a deep breath "Because I like you a lot and don't want you to get hurt." she grins "You like me?" I nod "And now I'll be going." she reaches out and grabs my hand "Wait I actually like you to." slowly I turn "Really?" she nods and with out thinking I lean forward and kiss her lightly.

Grinning I step closer and bring my arms up around her neck while her's circle around my waist "Would you like to have dinner tonight?" I nod smiling brightly and she leans closer kissing me once more "Great, my quarters at seven?" I smile "Sounds great." someone clears their throat behind us "This is a med bay." I flush and pull away turning to find Dr Crushing a large smile on her face "Congratulations you two, but please leave the med bay." Tasha grins and grabs my hand dragging me out the med bay. Once outside she presses a chaste kiss to my cheek "I'll see you later."

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